Stop taking the Dog food industry at their word!


New member
I would like to thank Charlieinnj, Dawnmerie , Imfoltyn, and ksullivan for not jumping to conclusions about me or that I may have had this big conspiracy against dog food companies and keeping a true open mind for an open discussion and for respecting my opinion whether they agreed or not. Such respect shows integrity in one's person.


New member
That was not a blog Jeannie, it is a paid site for when you write an e-zine article, my blog has absolutely nothing to do with e~zines which are the new magazines in today's world. This is how I am able to make money, a click on my blog gets me nothing. I thought the article would help people here that do not know how to prepared their pets for disaster and to get those who might want to be involved with a charity animal organization such as SART they would just have to go to the website. It was put out for helpful information only. But there you go judging me again!

My blog was started years ago to help with people get a FREE SERVICE for and including training tips, product (not just food) recalls, Testing of a products to help people know how long a toy/product lasted or if it was worth the money, Therapy dog work. etc. EVERYTHING DOG to help other dog owners. I do not write dribble of my everyday life and family crap that every other blog writer does. It is about DOGS ALL DOGS!

The article you are referring to was a HOW TO article for an E Company. Am I not allowed to make a living? Am I not allowed to ask others to read something pertinent? Why are you saying that I must first write it here before I write an article ? This is ludicrous! Just because a few do not like my style of writing I must first check with them on the way I write it? My titles and my writing need to bring attention to those who want to know what is going on. What a boring life someone leads to be so offended by something I write as an informational tool.

Again there is so much judgement from so many here it's like HS and if you want to judge so be it, it's your reputation not mine.

I initially asked the simple question months ago when this whole dog food recall started, why do we listen to what a company that makes money off of us to take their word on what they say is safe when week after week there have been new recalls. That was the initial theme of the blog article and yes I kept people up to date with the latest recalls, I am not shoving it down your throat, don't read it if you do not want to know about product/food recalls, don't read it if you don't want to know about training, don't read if you don't want to know of non profit organizations that help animals, don't read it if you do not want to know in what states your can get help to have your pet spayed or neutered , Don't read it
if you don't want to know about puppy mills and puppy brokers, the list goes on and I am highly insulted after having been a member here since 2005 to be treated in such a manner as I would not treat anyone else here that way. Don't misread that as "I will not defend myself when pushed", there is a difference.

If you don't wish to have knowledge then don't read my blog, I do not force it on anyone, I do not have an EASY BUTTON that makes you push it before you move on to another post.

Again Jeannie I have to ask as a moderator why you did not stop the bully session earlier but rather became a part of it. You never ever contacted me to find out what I was about, you only contacted me to give me warning and slap on the wrist because your buddies do not know how to handle themselves appropriately with another's opinion.
My apologies to Elvis the Newf for mistakenly quoting your post here when I meant to grab Jeannie's. I do not know how to undo that.


New member
We appreciate what all the moderators must go through. But when it comes to the free-sharing of information where a single person has not violated any rules of NN, the desires of a vocal minority should never impact the silent majority.

Again, if 'some' people don't like it....move on.

Where is that LIKE button when I need it?
I would like to thank Charlieinnj, Dawnmerie , Imfoltyn, and ksullivan for not jumping to conclusions about me or that I may have had this big conspiracy against dog food companies and keeping a true open mind for an open discussion and for respecting my opinion whether they agreed or not. Such respect shows integrity in one's person.
Wish there was a "Like" here too.