Still Waiting...


New member
I think Wash is also about ready for this. You must be getting close, we only have a couple weeks to go.


New member
Hah! I'm nowhere near! Just freaking huge. I'm going to give birth to Andre the Giant.

Still have 13 weeks to go!


New member
You look great!!! I felt so huge both times when I was pregnant that I hid the camera...and now I have no pictures to prove to my children that they did come from me, not a one....just some hosptial pics AFTER the birth!! So make good use of this time and get lots of pictures to remember this very special beginning!!!


New member
I thought for sure you were due before my wife was...

If it makes you feel any better you arent as big as she is... "yet". But shes probably going to go sometime in the next 2 weeks.


New member
It's probably just due to her pre-pregnancy build. I popped big-time (and quickly) like her and I think we're built very much the same. I know now that I looked great (didn't think so at the time of course), and so does she.

You look freaking adorable!


New member
Are you sure you're not carrying a litter, Nessa? For a first baby, you truly have popped!
Lol, I was thinking the same thing, well, not the litter part, but the popping part!
WOW! June will be here before you know it, although I know it can't come too soon for you, but you look great!


Active member
You really do. Treasure these few months, because the time passes so quickly (even though the days may drag)....


New member
You look great Nessa! I looked like any second now from 5 months on. You aren't nearly as bad.

I think Nooks is just eagerly anticipating hoovering the Cheerios from the floor one the high-chair stage comes!


New member
Are you sure you're not carrying a litter, Nessa? For a first baby, you truly have popped!
First baby, but not, alas, my first pregnancy. Evidently there's a uterine "warm up" factor with a miscarriage. I was showing this time around at 8 weeks.

And yeah - I'm sure there's only one in there. I've checked. A LOT. There was one visit to the OB's office where I had to see one of the other doctors in the practice, and he's foreign. He said, "come in back and we will check the hearts..."

and I stopped dead and said, "HEART! HEART! SINGULAR!!!"

And he said, "Yes." And looked at me like I had Tourettes. :shrug: Meg kept threatening me with twins, and we have no idea if they run in Sandy's family since he's adopted. My freaking out was totally justified.