steroid/vanectyl-P question


New member
Other than them just being "bad" in general, can steroids be given intermittently/randomly? I know they're not great for long-term use (health wise) obviously, so I don't want to start using them every day again, if we don't need to, which is why i'm wondering if I can just give her one randomly when she's got some serious itchies.

So with Gilly's itchy allergies our vet gave us Vanectyl-P with the instruction to start at 3 tabs am and 3 tabs pm then taper it down/wean her off to see how it goes. I had her down to one a day in the evenings and while she was still a BIT itchy it was what I consider to be "normal dog" itchy. I forgot to give it to her for two days in a row and she was fine, so then I left her off it. She has been fine for about two weeks but has just started getting really itchy again. Just curious if I can give her one tab every once in awhile to keep the itchies under control? If I don't get a quick response here I'll call my vet of course, but she's a busy lady and hard to get ahold of, so I usually don't hear back for a few days anyways.

P.S. Just to be comprehensive, sulfur wash solutions, vinegar rinses, Benadryl and stronger prescription antihistamines are mostly ineffective for relief for her.


New member
I presume you've checked for food allergies, grass allergies etc. I would be leary about steroid use except specifically under a docs supervision. Usual use involves a strict tapering off schedule and I don't know an occasional would be effective. Steroids kind of scare me...Ok, everything scares me these days!


New member
Yep, she has grass allergies. We're trying the allergy injections but are told they take 6-12 months to show effectiveness and it's only been 4 so far. Looking for effective relief when her symptoms are flaring. I'll call my vet to check.


New member
Our lab has allergies also. He was put on steroids 1 every day for two weeks, then 1 every other day. We eventually got it down to 1 once a week. We did that for several months and then stopped it. His itches have not returned to the degree he had prior with hair loss and scabs etc. Our Vet did say that once a week wasn't anything to be afraid of but didn't want it to be a daily thing. Good luck with your doggy, the itches are no fun!