Speaking of bees :)


New member
We started keeping honey bees earlier in the year. They're in a decline and we wanted to do "our part". We have two hives thus far with plans to add more.

We built our bee boxes ourselves (I did a lot of supervision and painted them LOL) I've been stung twice now and decided that I needed a bee suit :) I hurt for days after a sting.

Since acquiring them, the hives have almost tripled in population. The queens are working hard at making babies and the workers are keeping stuff moving along. We're not going to take any of the honey this year as we got the bees late in the season, but here's a pic of one of the frames and the bees taking care of it.


New member
Very neat! We attract and care for Mason Bees at our place and would love to get into the Honey Bee thing once we end up on more property. Good for you!


Active member
Good for you! The Honey Bees have been in decline for a while and it really does have an effect on food crop pollination. I was delighted to see that we had a lot more of them this year on the wildflowers. Every little bit helps!


New member
I have clover in my back yard for the bunnies and the bees. Trying to dodge bees while I'm mowing is always a challenge, but keeps mowing from being boring. Thank you for doing even more. BTW I also count the bees as I mow and I too have noticed more this year. Yea!!!


New member
They're really neat creatures....we had a small problem with wasps and had beetles too - both are being taken care of naturally. Traps with bacon and water for the wasps - who knew they liked bacon? and a pan of cooking oil under the hives for the beetles :)


New member
I love honeybees! I always wanted to learn beekeeping but, since I'm allergic to the stings, I thought I should probably leave this fun stuff to others. Looks like a blast!


New member
I love honeybees! I always wanted to learn beekeeping but, since I'm allergic to the stings, I thought I should probably leave this fun stuff to others. Looks like a blast!
You can have Mason Bees then! They don't sting, unless you decide for some strange reason to pick one up and squeeze it :lol: They don't make honey, but they do pollinate the heck out of everything in sight!


New member
You can have Mason Bees then! They don't sting, unless you decide for some strange reason to pick one up and squeeze it
They don't make honey, but they do pollinate the heck out of everything in sight!
I have never heard of Mason Bees! I have to look into those and see if they are in this area.


Active member
And, Mason Bee houses are easy and fun to make. I'm not talking about wooden ones with the holes. These are 4" dia. pvc pipe with rolled up baking parchment paper tubes inside. Great project for kids!!!