Soprano update


Inactive Member
Soprano Updates:

1. President Bush has hired AJ as his special advisor on the Iraq war.

2. Meadow is teaching classes on parellel parking.

3. Cammile is teaching baby birds how to stick their head in the sand.

4. Uncle Junior has broke out of the asylum, thinks he's OJ, and was last seen playing golf.

5. Sil comes out of the coma, but thinks he's a fricking rock star.

6. Paulie and the cat are opening a show together on Broadway.

7. Carlo choked on a giant pickle and met an untimely death.

8. Sil remembers he's not a rock star long enough to put a few more slugs in ADE's head to end this idiotic chatter about whether she might have survived Sil pumping her with lead before.

9. Dr. Melfi's business is thriving, as Sorpano fans are lined up around the block trying to get in to see her.

10. Bobby comes alive long enough to announce being dead beats being married to Janice.

11. Janice marries her step son to get Bobby's money.

12. Tony screws up again, but is careful to explain that it is his mama's fault.

KS Newf

New member
Normally I like ends tied up, too, but I am in the minority that thought it was a brilliant ending. I keep thinking about exactly what Tony's last expression was as he looked up. I never thought I would be able to watch, much less be a fan of a show like the Sopranos (mob violence?!) - but it's a guilty pleasure!!!

[ 06-18-2007, 05:44 PM: Message edited by: KS Newf ]


New member
I really liked the ending, but had to watch it three times to see all of the *visuals* that were there.

Anybody notice them? Tony walking into the diner looking around and he sees himself and family in the middle of the restaurant?

Most of the people in the diner were people we've seen before - or look alikes? Janice's look alike walks in, the guy in the booth is the guy who owned the pawn shop that Tony put out of business, the guy at the counter who goes to the bathroom (a take off on the Godfather scene) played Tony's father in the 1st episode AND also played Phil's nephew? The Boy Scouts were in the train store when Bobby got shot.

And then...the episode was named "Made in America". USA on the hat, Ford symbol on the truck, the Nissan Pathfinder on fire, eating onion rings instead of ziti for a change...and lots more.

The music on the jukebox as he flipped through the songs...very clever. The song Tony played in the diner was "Don't Stop Believin'" by Journey, yet the flip side (they showed) was "Any Way You Want It" LOL (He also flipped by "My Way")

Of course before all that...there was Paulie and the cat.

And all of the other visual craziness going on during the whole episode!! (Did you notice the Twilight Zone on TV when Tony was talking to his lawyer? You know, when the ketchup wouldn't come out of the bottle?? hahahaha)

How many of you thought something happened to your TV or cable/satellite when it went black? was very clever. I'd agree with brilliant. I also agree that there *might* be a movie. It depends on how well everyone is doing in a year or two.

David Chase was done with it when Tony got shot but HBO made him come back for two more seasons (I guess it was in his contract). Also James Gandolfini says he is very sick and tired of the role and hates the character of Tony (for now, unless he can't get other work later, IMO).

[ 06-19-2007, 01:09 AM: Message edited by: Ardeagold ]


New member
I hated the ending!

For the last year they had been saying that the ending will be one that there is NO way they can ever bring it back. (Meaning revive it).

Well, I think it was much to do about nothing!

A big let down for me!


New member
My goodness Donna. You sure are observant !! I missed a lot of what you pointed out. So much room for interpretation. Thanks for the insight.

KS Newf

New member
Donna, I have to watch it again. For some weird reason I've avoided watching it again, but I will now. I had only noticed about half of what you said in the time I watched it. Tying some of those tips together from previous episodes was interesting. David Chase said, "It's all there." Now I see what he meant.


Inactive Member
They are re-showing just about all of this seasons episodes, I have them sched. to record, there's supposed to be lots of "clues" to what actually happens in the final episode if you watch closely.
At first I hated the ending, but the more I think about it, do you really want to "see" Tony blown away? Do you think that he is blown away?


Inactive Member
AJ is the most whimpy, lazy, self centered, miserable twit I have ever seen. I kind of had mixed feelings about Tony until he killed Christopher. What do you think Tony meant when he said that he "gets it" when he was high on Peyote?


New member
i LOVED the ending, exactly what i wanted , Tony eating dinner with his family

yes i asked my husband if he paid the cable bill when it went black
but i think they left it at whatever u want to make out of it... to me it was dinner, to my husband he was waked...i think that what we saw was what Tony sees everyday, everybody is a threat to him and that it could happen anytime and anywhere and you would probably not even hear it !


New member
There's a lot of potential for a movie.

The Feds are indicting Tony. That's one more twist to the ending. Did they take him away while he was with his family in the diner?

One of the major lines that makes everyone believe that Tony is dead is the one that Bobby said while he and Tony were in the boat a few episodes back..."You probably don't even hear it when it happens" (death).

Also, the dinner with the family is viewed by some to be "The Last Supper".

Who knows? But there's a ton to see in that episode...and hear. If you've recorded it, watch it and note the music playing, the background stuff.


New member
I also LOVED the ending. It had you on the edge of your seat waiting for something bad to happen.


New member
Ok, ok you guys you got me thinking maybe it wasn't such a bad ending after all.

After reading all these posts it makes me want to watch it again and see if I can find all the (hidden) meanings.

Donna, you are a VERY observant person! Good going!

Halli's Mom

New member
At first, my reaction to the ending was, "Is that it?????", but now I really think it was appropriate and brilliant! I'm glad it ended the way it did! If it had ended any other way, would you really have been happy? This way, the story and the family are still alive!