

New member
Snowball died this afternoon. She wasn't a Newf, but she shared the same fate of many other dogs. Earlier I had to give the owner a choice, I bring Snowball to a vet or the police will. Later she died of a fractured skull, a blood clot, or maybe malnutrition, the vet did not know. Snowball was not a Newf, but she could have grown up to have the heart of a Newf and been the best dog in the whole world to someone, she was only about 3 weeks old. I'd like to ask those who read this to send a kind thought to Snowball and all the other Snowballs out there.


New member
What a sad sorry for a 3 week old puppy. :( Snowball's safely across the bridge now, where she can run and play, a place where she'll never be hurt again. I'm sure all the other furkids up there will welcome her into the fold.


Super Moderator
People like that make me so mad. Ohio has a law that makes abusing an animal a felony. I would have contacted the police. Poor helpless Snowball and so many more "Snowballs". God bless you for helping Snowball in what way you could.


New member
I have seen this abuse before because of the work I do. This time I got a little emotional. The police were notified yesterday and I will follow up with them next week. Thanks for thinking of Snowball, I believe that by that acknowledging her death, you all have helped to give her life some meaning. Dave & the gang


New member
Dave, you must be an angel on earth. At least the last thing snowball knew of humans was a comforting touch and a heart full of love.. The owners should be burned at the stake.


New member
Dave - This sort of thing breaks my heart.
How (and why) you managed to maintain your composure is beyond me. :mad: Prayers for little Snowball and for you for helping her.
May I ask what line of work you're in?


New member
This person was a client, I'm a psychiatric social worker. I do not want to sigmatize this group, by far the majority of people I work with are very nice, but like the general population there are also some bad apples. What helps when I lose faith in people is someone I've read about on the Newf-Net, and thats Annie Milliron. She is a real hero for what she does for Newf rescues. Dave & the gang


New member
As you say Dave, there are bad apples in every walk of life. I don't suppose there is a way to prevent this patient from ever again owning an animal, is there?

And yes, Annie and Russell are angels of mercy.
Also, if it weren't for them, I wouldn't have my Troy-Boy, so I'm doubly thankful they're in the world!!! :D

Annie Milliron

Alpha Goddess
Gosh Dave, I am still catching up with all the posts I've missed, and I just read of poor Snowball...

I don't know the whole story, but it does sound heartbreaking. As others have said, at least Snowball had your love and affection....

I hope that whoever hurt her gets everything they deserve and more.... Snowball's life certainly does have meaning, and maybe her's will eventually help prevent others from having to suffer.... at least we can hope.

And Dave, as for your very kind words about me, well thank you! However, I am by no means alone. There are hundreds and thousands like me who have done even more than Russell & I have. Some are even here on Newf Net. They're just too humble and shy! I believe that anyone who helps an animal in need is a hero, including yourself.


New member
You are so right, Three cheers to all those wonderful people who rescue all of our four legged friends, the world is a better place because of what all of you do and have done.