She's on to me!


New member
I just had Ada go into her kennel, and I handed her the rawhide she'd been working on. Once she realized there was no biscuit in my hand, she prances out and wouldn't go back in until I visited the magic biscuit jar.

I'm thinking she's got me trained now. :tongue:


Active member
Yup, Elvis does the same thing. It was fun to watch the progression.

First, he wouldn't go near the cage without a treat.
Then he wouldn't go in the cage unless you had one in your hand and stood next to the door.
He would eventually go halfway in, but stick his butt out and prevent any door closing.
Then he'd go in and turn around, but stick his head out until you hand him the treat.
Eventually he ran to his cage every time we picked up the treat jar.

On the off chance he beats us when he "goes to bed" (9:30pm. Out to pee then to bed. Every night), he'll sit in his cage and with his eyes he'll look at you, then the treat jar, then back to you.

We don't even close the door anymore, but he knows he got a treat when he went to his cage at night, and demands we keep the routine!


Super Moderator
When Samantha was young everytime she'd come in from potty I'd give her a treat. If I forgot she'd sit by the treat cabinet until I got her one. One night about 2 a.m. she got me up to go out. She went out turned around came right back in (I didn't even get the door shut) and went straight to the treat cabinet and barked. They do train us well!!!


New member
My Bull Mastiff trained my parents to give her 3 treats a night when she stayed with them. One at 7, go to bed, another at 8 go back to bed, and the last one at 9 when they went to bed.


Super Moderator
Arthur's been here just 9 weeks now and as soon as he comes in at night before bed plants himself at the cookie cupboard door. Newfs are fast learners!