OK i made a big batch of these last night and they were a huge hit Thomas loved them and he cleaned out the bowl too. i made each ball 1 pound and weighed them with a kitchen scale and vacuum sealed them . I figured 1 bag a day at 2 meals will put some weight on him in no time.... this recipe yeilds about 18 pounds in case you were wondering
OOh going to try some of these for my Great Dane puppy shes had a bad bout of worms ecen though been properly wormed since weve had her and is very skinny hope it works x
I am going to give these a try for my little newf mix I recently took in from the pound. He is 55 lbs and the vet said he should weigh between 85 to 100 lbs.
Also am going to try this with my newf girl with dementia. She wont eat on her own anymore. I hand feed her, via spoon or literally packing it in her mouth and keeping her mouth closed until she swallows. I am hoping these might be enticement to eat better. I dont mind hand feeding her..its our special time together...but I would like her to eat more...
Just passed this on to a friend who's Dutch Shepard ate a stick the wrong way yesterday Yukon will be ok, but really doesn't want to eat at the moment. Thought this might be nice and soft for him to eat.
This a great recipe!!!
2 mods I have made.
Get Total with dried fruit and add sardines. I used 5 cans of sardines last time but I think closer to 10 would be better.
I'm trying to put some weight on my 6.1 lb daschund...
Can I cook the meat first? Or does it have to be raw? I'd rather not do raw meet with him.
Other than just cutting the recipe down, and down again and down again, etc.... Does anyone have the portions for a smaller recipe? I'm thinking that I wouldn't even use 1lb for him... he's a very little boy.
i've successfully cut it in half, I don't own a bowl big enough to mix it all in one batch. You could probably quarter it as well. I don't know how well it will ball up if you cook the beef first, so you might want to experiment with that a little bit, you might need to adjust some ingredients for that to work.
The Hamburger is suppose to be fed raw and it will mix much better if raw...not sure if you can cook them after you mix it all together. My girls love them!
Someone in another thread suggested I make these for my underweight Irish Setter. I used the recipe listed first in this thread (IT WAS A HUGE AMOUNT) but didn't use molasses and used Special K instead of Total.
I was also really apprehensive about giving Molly raw meat since she has a super sensitive stomach. So, I mixed everything together, formed it into medium sized meatballs then placed them on baking sheets (used cupcake papers for some).
I baked at 450 for about 15-20 minutes (until the inside was no longer red).
The meatballs keep their form perfectly and Molly already adores them.
Now I'm hoping they'll help her gain...