Rectal bleeding


New member
Today Breeze was supposed to go in to have her eye, that is affected by glaucoma, removed.
The operation was delayed until this Friday because when I gave her a final groom late last night, I lifted her tail and their was some blood seeping out of her back passage. I cleaned it up, waited a few minutes and the same thing happened again.
She appears to be fine, no bloody stools or diahorea and is eating better than normal.
I did check her today when she was trying to nibble at her back end and although she hadn't had a bowel movement there was a sandy grainy wet substance around the anus, which stinks to high heaven.
Anyone got any ideas?


New member
The sandy grainy wet substance sounds like it might be anal gland fluid? I definitely think a vet visit is in order...none of that sounds normal!


New member
You posted in a earlier thread that you have her on Rymadil. A definite Vet visit is in order! Have your Vet run a full CBC blood panel and check her liver ALT levels. She could be having a reaction to the Rymadil. Either way, I would stop giving it to her until this is resolved, because even it the Rymadil is not the main cause it will increase the problem. Bloody stool is a typical symptom.

I don't mean to scare you but you need to discuss this potential situation with your Vet.


New member
Thank you for your input and for the pms that were sent.
We did see the vet yesterday and he examined her, took her temp., it was normal. Her stools are normal, no blood, no cowpats and no slimy stuff.
He asked me to just keep an eye on her and phone him in if anything else happened between yesterday and Friday.
However, thanks to the pms and posts on here, I decided to go back and see him today. I told him about your posts and at first he agreed it could have been the rectal glands.
After expressing them, he said they were empty and clean, nothing wrong there, but further investigation, plus the smell, made him decide that it possibly is colitis.
Breeze is off the Rimadyl and now on tablets 3 times a day to try and correct the problem. The vet says though, that he still wants to go ahead with the eye surgery on Friday, as this is still more important than anything else.
Hopefully these tablets will do the trick, but as he says, she's not showing any of the classic symptoms of any of the more common bowel problems and if there is still a problem after the eye surgery, then further investigations will be made.
Thank you again for your input, you helped a lot.


New member
Hugs to you and Breeze. I have one other idea for what it could be. I don't know if this would be classified as Colitis. Last year Moose swallowed a piece of stick that scraped things as it worked its way through.

I didn't know he had eaten the stick. He did a fair amount of bleeding there. It freaked me out but he just needed soft foods for a week or so. He eventually passed about a 4 inch piece of stick.

I hope the glaucoma surgery goes well.


New member
Glad to hear that nothing serious was found.

Colitis isn't unusual with certain medications. Our Ray got it when he took Doxycycline for Lyme. Fortunately when it started, he had been on the meds long enough to discontinue them.

We used Pepcid prior to dosing, but even that wasn't enough to protect his digestive tract.

Keep us posted about Breeze and the surgery!


New member
It's midnight here and it's been a very, very, long, tense day but Breeze is home and has come through the surgery for her eye, very, very well, for an old dog. She is sleeping off the effects of the anaesthetic, has been drinking, had scrambled egg for her dinner and been to the loo.
She looks horrendous but I know the swelling will go down in a day or two and she gets a check up on Wednesday then the stitches out in 10 days time.
The next couple of days will be nerve racking, as she cant get through the doors with the e-collar on and will have to be watched every minute. The colitis seems to be getting better with the tablets the vet gave her, hopefully that will be that bit sorted too.
Thanks for your posts, due to the advice on here, she is also now on a product to try to protect her stomach while she is on Rimadyl for the worst of the pain, at least for the next few days anyway.
I cant remember the name right now and I'm so tired I just have to get to bed, but I wanted you to know that so far all is going well.
I will keep you updated whenever anything changes.


New member
While speaking to my two legged newfie friend in Newfoundland, (Judy, of the Sable Chief restoration fund) she asked me if I would take some photographs of Breeze's eye after the operation.
If anyone would like to see them please p.m. me and I will email them to you. They are pretty graphic and I dont think it would be right to post them on the net, since you can see the swelling, bruising and stitches on her.


New member
Shes great Donna, I think I feel worse than she does lol!
She slept all through the night, had a full breakfast and was looking for more, been very good at just lying around and not trying to rub her eye, although I think that might start tomorrow.
We went for a very short on the leash walk, which she wasnt happy about, because both her and Hamish can usually wander along at will, but I didnt want her going through the long grass or nettles.
She is slowly getting back to her old self, rolling on her back to sleep, having the odd bark at me and John, just to remind us that she's still here! lol


New member
Yikes Kath I didn\t know any of this till this morning.. I am sending you a big fat hug.. and butterfly kisses to Breeze.


New member
Oh it sounds like she's doing well! I'm so happy to hear that. I know you've got to be worried about her, but it looks like she's going to be just fine!

Get some rest...and give her some extra breakfast from me!

Susan...that avatar cracks me up!