Rainbow Bridge - non-newf


Inactive Member
I need to share this with people who'll understand...

My 19 year old cat, Kaspar, died suddenly Sunday night. I know 19 is old for a cat, but he was in relatively good health and his death was unexpected. He was at the vet 2 weeks ago for a check up and his blood work came back "excellent." Apparently, he threw a clot to his lungs. I took him to the new local animal emergency hospital to have him put down, (I knew he wasn't going to make it), and had the most horrific experience. The worst of it was the vet who "treated" him was apparently so inexperienced. She couldn't find a vein in any of his legs, so tried to give him the shot directly into his heart. She couldn't find it, and ended up puncturing his lung. One of the best things we can do for our pets is give them a peaceful death, and I wasn't able to do that for Kaspar. I miss him terribly!!

Annie Milliron

Alpha Goddess
Oh Karen, I am so very sorry for your loss. It's never easy to lose a pet... whether they've been with you a few days, or several years.

It sounds like Kasper had a wonderful life, and died very peacefully.... yet I cannot imagine losing a pet that had been with me 19 years. I'm sure you're in a lot of pain, and my thoughts and prayers are with you.


New member
Oh Karen, I am so sorry to hear about your baby. Like Annie said, it's hard at any age. Please don't fault yourself for the what happened at the vet. You were doing all you could for him. My condolences on your loss, and very big hug to you.


Inactive Member
Thank you to both of you. I still have two dogs and three more cats, but my home feels empty now! He was such a presence in my life for so long. I'm surrounded by much younger animals now, who I hope will be with me as long as Kaspar was.


New member

So sorry for the loss of your cat !!

I had a cat named Casper that we had to give up because my wife is allergic to cats (but not dogs, thank dog!)

Your post made me look to the little picture I keep of him near my desk here at work...

Put the experience out of your mind and treasure the better memories of your furball !!


New member

What a tragic story! I'm so sorry you lost your beloved kitty. At least he had a nice full life. I too have recently lost cats (young cats) at what I believe to be the fault of my old vet. I feel your pain. It must be a comfort to have your other animals around.

Only time really heals these things.



Inactive Member
Thanks MJ. It IS a comfort to have my other pets with me. They know Kaspars' gone and they snuggle up with me at night. It's nice...

Annie Milliron

Alpha Goddess
When we lost our Sadie, someone once told me that no matter how large or how small, that when they leave us, they leave a hole the size of a crater.

That is very true.....


New member
Our cat Muffin passed away at 18 years of age last summer. One day she stopped eating and started loosing weight. She had no medical problems. She died peacefully in her sleep under our dining room table. I'm sure Kasper knew you were trying to help him. He'll live in your heart forever, you'll never forget him. Big newfie hugs to you!


New member
I'm sorry too about Kaspar. It's never easy, is it? Try not to think about the vet - it was NOT your fault. Warm thoughts coming to you......


New member
I'm so sorry for your loss.I had four kittys,up till a week and a half ago when my black little jasper just disappeared into thin air.We don't know how he got out or exactly when. Still searching and praying. Things are sure different around here now. I also have an elderly cat who is going on 18. His name is ruffles. I hope he goes peacfully.I can totally relate to the love for your cat and your grief. hang in there and try to remember the good twenty years. You'll see him again some day ;) .
brenda and maggie


New member
I had a cat named Willow kitty. We got her when i was 5 she passed away when I was 29. Our vet said he had never known a cat to live for 24 years. Even though we knew she could not go on forever, it did not hurt any less when she was gone. I am so sorry you had a bad experience at the vet but like everyone else has said that is not what matters. What matters is the love you gave him for 19 years..
Sending a group fur hug your way.


Inactive Member
Thank you thank you thank you everyone for your kind words and good thoughts. They are all much appreciated.

nice newfie

New member
Hi Karen, I know how you feel, I had two cats in my life that have passed on,I still miss them. One I had from age 4 to 16 I couldn't imagine life without "Boots"I could pratically read his mind.Our other cat Sumo was a choc point siamese who was spoiled rotten,A house cat that got out and somehow got hurt. Took him to the vets and was suppose to pick him the next day but he too had a blood clot and died suddenly.I was numb for days.My thought are with you,Karen S


New member
I'm so sorry for your loss :(

Poem For Cats

And God asked the feline spirit
Are you ready to come home?
Oh, yes, quite so, replied the precious soul
And, as a cat, you know I am most able
To decide anything for myself.

Are you coming then? asked God.
Soon, replied the whiskered angel
But I must come slowly
For my human friends are troubled
For you see, they need me, quite certainly.

But don't they understand? asked God
That you'll never leave them?
That your souls are intertwined. For all eternity?
That nothing is created or destroyed?
It just is....forever and ever and ever.

Eventually they will understand,
Replied the glorious cat
For I will whisper into their hearts
That I am always with them
I just am....forever and ever and ever.

Author Unknown