Question About Purchasing Site Unseen


Active member
there are some advantages to getting a breeder rehome, at least if you have a reputable breeder then you know he wont have been abused or badly treated.

The other point is that he may not have all the socialisation or training he may need and it can be difficult with a teenage large breed dog that requires training.

Could you take the kids over on a Friday night, stay over and meet the newf in the morning.Then drive the kids for all their match's.

Just remember not all newfs are laid back, ours is still a wild child at times though there is some hopes that he is maturing albeit slowly. Make a list of any questions and if you decide to get him enjoy him


New member
Yes, it took a few weeks to get Sulley really used to the house..but I found starting small was best. I kept him in his crate when I wasn't there with him, and he was fine. Now he goes to his room, which is larger, but he still doesn't get free run, or he get into trouble. He doesn't mess any more, but he will chew and whatnot, so he stays in his room when I am gone. He just recently starting really being a 'boy', but he is just 14 months now, so he is getting to that age.


New member
Like Kelly, all three of ours were purchased sight unseen. I have been blessed with gorgeous girls. I have also developed great relationships with both of my breeders. I have met one breeder in person but Rosie's other Mama lives in Ontario so visiting was not an option. We do intend to make a trip there sometime in the near future. Perhaps to pick up another family member :shocker:
OH, my!!!

Ohana Mom

New member
Just curious - why this particular boy at 11 months? And have you had a Newf before? Since he'll be a member of the family, I think everyone going for a visit is key. Everyone will need to be involved in his life and his training in your household.
11 month old male Newfs can be a handful. Not aggressive or anything. Rather, think of a terrible two-year old with the raging hormones of a 16 year old boy weighing about 120 pounds... You get the picture! It's a fun age :)!
Seriously - he'll no doubt need some training. Before y ou dive in - you'll want to make su everyone in the house is ready for this. And if you are - that's great. You'll find lots of great advice on this website to help you.


New member
We decided this Newf isn't for us. There were too many cons and not enough pros all around. I want to thank you for being so insightful! I learned many new things that may have caused us heartache if not listening to the experts here.

Never had a Newf, but did have a rescued Great Pyr in 06. So yes, I'm still open for a rescue dog. That's in fact how we started our love affair with the Newfoundland breed, b/c of the Pyr. I'll make a seperate post with the story... But yes, our family is willing to be owned by a rescue Newf!