Puppy Shampoo good or evil?


Inactive Member
(tipping hat to everyone) (s)
Besides the obvious of stinky dog, give bath. How often should you bathe your puppy and what type of non allergenic shampoo should be used if any. BTW Hi everyone My newf puppy is five weeks old (male)and doesn't take possesion of me for another three weeks.(grin) I have been doing research and I know Newfs have naturally oiley coats and will eventually need to be bathed. Do newfs suffer from skin conditions? or is it more cause and effect from feeding newfs commercial grade dog food that produces these symptons? If so what type of shampoo should be used?
(unpacking red carpet) Rolls out carpet----
Introduces Aristotle to the group


New member
Congratulations on Aristotle's impending arrival!

Newfoundlands in general have very sensitive skin and systems in general. Thats why they don't do well with heavy anesthesia either. Many do well on high quality kibble, while other thrive on all natural, or BARF diets. You should discuss this with your breeder, and find out how your pups parents are doing on the food they are eating. No need to change something if its not broken, but be sure and learn if they are giving suppliments, or any scraps that could change the outcome too.

The condition of a Newfs coat has a lot to do with the grooming time spent. If you don't keep them brushed out and clean, they will have skin problems and hot spots. You should invest in some good slicker brushes, combs, a Coat King (see other threads on this) and start teaching your puppy that grooming is a GOOD thing right from the beginning.

As far as shampoo, any mild shampoo, or oatmeal based shampoo will do. Be sure and get it rinsed out thoroughly, that is where many new owners make mistakes. Mane & Tail Horse shampoo breaks down very quickly, so is easier to rinse out, besides its easy to get, as well as a pretty safe overall shampoo. A good conditioner helps too, if you bathe them often, and mine get baths whenever I feel the film on their coat, or after swimming. I do not wait for an oil spot on the floor to give a bath.

Other than that, start stocking up on toys! ;)



Inactive Member
I'm glad Mane and Tail was mentioned because that's what I've been using and I'm satisfied so far with the results.
Aristotle is so cute. Will you be giving him a nickname? If not then that's a mouthfull to say umteen times a day.LOL :D
I'll leave the feeding advice to the experts.


Inactive Member
Well I have to admit, I brushed my pup like crazy for the first year, but I was worried I was brushing him too much because he didn't develop a very 'newf' like coat. At age two we are lucky to get a brushing a week in and a bath a month. People are ALWAYS remarking on what a beautiful coat he has and how well groomed he looks (despite SAR work in dense brush). Luck or genes, I'll take it! I feed him Sensible Choice Lamb and Rice because I had great success with it in the past but I agree with sticking with whatever worked for his family members.


Active member
Congratulations on your new addition.
He is adorable.
You have been given good advice so I won't add anything, except that you may want to brush his teeth at lest once a week (I brush everyday with few exceptions). Good Dental Health aids in longevity.


New member
Aristotle is adorable. I can smell the puppy breath. Congratulations on your impending arrival. Can't wait to see more pictures and hear all about him.

Advice given so far is very good. I use Cowboy Magic on Benson and have been very happy with the results. It rinses out very well, leaves the coat very soft and is gentle on the skin.

I bathed Benson about once every two months when he was a puppy. Regular brushing (every other day) kept the dirt out very nicely. I used that time to inspect his ears, teeth and paws. It's a great way to train them to get used to being handled.

Benson is now 11 months old and I still try to keep bathing down to once every two months. I brush him every two days. I am finding it necessary to bath him more often during these summer months because of our water work. It's a good thing to rinse the lake water off of them just to play it safe. So far we haven't experienced any skin problems but I'm knocking on wood when I say that!!!!


Inactive Member
I would like to thank everyone for such good advice.
I am sure I will have many more questions in the future. This is a great website and everyone here has common ground (we love newfoundlands) LOL


New member
Great pictures and puppies.
I use Coat Handler because it rinses out so nicely and I bath weekly because Tulsa is a therapy dog,