Puppy Questions


New member
I recently rescued a 10 week boy from the pound. He appears to be all Newf, is about 4 months old now and weighs about 40 lbs. His temperment is true Newf...laid back even as a puppy. His fur though is different. It's soft but dull and gray in appearance. His legs and tail though, seem to be coming in black. Is this typical? When do Newfie puppies lose their puppy fur? Is it gradual? It's hard to say whether he'll grow up to be "standard" in appearance, but considering he was wondering around in the bitter cold, undernourished with pneumonia, I suspect he doesn't come from a top breeder. :)

Thank you!

Lisa@Caeles Hills

New member
Poor thing, Bless you for taking him. He sounds about right for his age with weight. He could actually be a grey Newf although his puppy fur may just be grey fluff and will come in black in the next year or so. Alot of blacks have a brownish puppy fur but my black had dark gray puppy fur and still has more of a grey undercoat instead of brown.( which is strange because his mom is brown!) We love puppy pictures....it would be wonderful if you could post some then we could more easily see what color he is/ will be too.

Sound Bay Newfs

Active member
I can't imagine a 10 week old puppy found roaming around by itself in the cold! Yes, I think you could conclude he did not come "from a top breeder". He was lucky he was found and that you took him!
He most likely isn't pure, judging from his background, you will have to see how he matures. Newf pups do have fuzzy puppy fur that can look brownish. The black hair coming in will be blacker and straighter. Do you have pictures of him?


New member
Why don't you show us a picture..? Poor baby....If you got him at 10 weeks, and he had been treated for pneumonia, etc, He was probably found much younger... Someone could have actually lost him, but not good care for a baby...! I am glad you have him. His hair COULD be discolored from being sick..


New member
Poor little guy. He's lucky to have found you, so to speak. We'd love to see pictures too. It's months before all the puppy fluff is lost, but he sounds like a sweetheart.


New member
What a lucky little guy. I have a gray Newf and she was much lighter gray as a puppy, so I'll bet yours is black. Their puppy fur is much different than the adult coat. I know you'll love him whatever he is. Stay with us, post pictures, we'd all love to help you raise him.