Puppy Preparation


New member
I pick up the new pup this Thursday. Yesterday I got the crate set up. Washed walls. I have the same food the breeder feeds. I purchased one new squeaky toy...so far. Other toys I have are in the dog toy bin. I've been telling Fiona she is going to be a big sister. New fence is getting put in early this week. Travel crate is coming early this week, too...borrowing one from a friend. I have treats. I have new leash and collar with name tag. Pawturnity leave is scheduled through the end of next week so I can get naps in. What else? It's been 10 years since I've had a puppy.


New member
Lots and lots of paper towels, cleaner for accidents. Pee pads maybe?

I assume you have enough food dishes/water bowels? EZ walk harness or something similar?
Old towels and paper towels for car ride.

An extra floor fan?


New member
First congratulations...so excited for you...just remember puppies are SO much work...but so worth the effort...remember lots of potty breaks...not many walks...lots of chew toys...you will be fine...no stairs for 9 months...no jumping...not much running...easy weight gain...one could go on and on...lots and lots of pictures for us to ogle over...
Congrats! How exciting. I think you got all the basics covered. The only thing I would recommend is pet insurance. These adorable puppies can get expensive sometimes. My 11 month old is always getting ear infections and the pet insurance pays for all her check ups and medications. Can't wait to see pics.


Super Moderator
Definitely pet insurance. Congrats, so exciting and of course we need lots of photos please.

R Taft

Active member
Get the free e book from Ian Dunbar.... Jut Google free ebook Ian Dunbar... I love his training if puppies. I have a quick read every time I get a puppy

There are two books, before I get my puppy and after I get my puppy.

I like bells for the door too....for toilet training.... Hellooooo to sleepless nights and potty training