Pulling sideways/backwards


New member
I wonder if anyone has advice about Gilly pulling sideways and backwards when she's on leash on our walks. In our clicker training we were taught to stop moving at all if she was pulling forward and wait until she stipped pulling before proceeding and she doesn't (usually) pull forward anymore, but stopping doesn't really work when SHE's the one doing the stopping. She does it to sniff things, and we don't mind the actual stopping to sniff and general "leisurely" pace, but she always wants to go farther than the leash allows. She doesn't usually do it when we're walking really fast, but then again sometimes she suddenly does and it makes the stop that much more surprising! Plus, it's hard for me to walk fast with a baby/stroller plus leash. Any tips?


New member
I got this habit of Mila's under control by making the decision for her when we stop and for how long. If I let her stop whenever it strikes her, she takes extreme liberties. She's always been the "you give her an inch, she'll take a mile" type of dog ;) When I decide she's done, I simply make it clear that we're moving on and then do. If she gives me trouble about it, like straining against the leash, I give her a quick, sharp tug on the leash and sternly tell her "come". And rinse and repeat. Seems to work. That being said, it's much easer to get her to comply when she's walking in her no-pull harness. If I have her in her flat collar, she doesn't comply as readily.
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New member
When Suki has stopped and I am ready to move on but she isn't, I have found small sharp tugs get her moving much better than a string long steady pull on my part. I could probably pull on the lead with all of my weight with a long hard pull, and she might not move. But when I give the short tugs, she almost always comes along quickly. And for us, they don't need to be hard tugs.


New member
Yes, here too a quick pop works better than a tug of war. It does not have to be hard to send te message that we are leaving now.