Prices for Doxycyline have skyrocketed


New member
Anyone seen the prices of antibiotics lately? Took Oliver for a tick-panel and he tested 'slightly positive' for ehrlichia and anaplasmosis. (He's had it before...)

So, they filled a script for Minocycline...28 days...$220! I asked why this instead of Doxycycline and they said Doxy has sky-rocketed.

The grocery store used to fill it for FREE. I called today to see how much is would be and they said over $400.

Called Costco about the Doxy...$707. Minocycline, $113. Walmart was $600+ for the Doxycycline.

It pays to call around. This Minocycline ($113 @ Costco) is $494 @ Walmart....$220 from the Vet's office....$275 @ Shop-Rite.


Active member
FDA has been really going at the drug/pharmaceutical companies, started a few years back...a few have actually closed over this way. They are making them revamp everything and if they didn't save for a rainy day they just close. 2 of our fleet customers one employeed over 400 and the other one employed just over 100 :(


Super Moderator
Will your vet give you a prescription? I needed Metronidazole for Adam. My vet's price was 30 500mg tablets for about $35. I got 60 at Kroger's for $8.35 Also cephalexin was cheaper at Kroger. My vet was $15 and the same at Kroger was $4.00

Opps I see you had a script. Some meds are outrageous!