prayer request for my uncle


New member
Hi all, I know we have had a lot of these lately and your prayer lists must be getting rather long. But if you have the space, please add my uncle and family...

Donny is my mom's youngest brother, only 43. He has 4 kids, the youngest being a set of 15 year old twins.

Donny was diagnosed with AML which is a form of leukemia about 2 years ago. He has put up a good fight. 150 pounds, three bone marrow transplants and 5 rounds of chemo later, he has tumors again in his lungs and kidneys, as well as in his lymph system. One on his neck has grown to the size of a small cantaloupe in about a month. The doctors have decided there is nothing left to do. He has no immune system at this time, and currently has a staph infection in all major organs where he decided to get in a tub of water his wife had run for the grandbaby's bath while he was halcuinating. The water got into his IV port and thus the problems.

Regardless, the doctors give him about 3 more weeks and are moving him to hospice on Wednesday.


New member
Oh Laura, I'm so sorry to hear this. I know your family is going through some awful times right now.

Sending good thoughts and prayers from our family to yours.

KS Newf

New member
Dear Lord. Thank you for sharing this so we can be there praying with and for all the family. The description of the progression of this awful disease is heart wrenching. As far as having a long prayer list, it is a privilege to be able to help in this small way. Will be praying and sending positive thoughts for calm and being in the moment knowing God's peace. I am so sorry for all. God bless.


New member
Laura, you know we're here for you, your uncle and his family. Hospice is a godsend for families as well as the patient. Believe me, I know. They were a wonderful warm light during a very hard road with my father. May he find peace and comfort. Sending prayers.


New member
Thanks guys. Donny and I were never that close. He was in Okanawa (sp?) for the majority of my childhood with the navy, and then Mom was moving all around for school. So I only saw him the occasional christmas...

My mother, however, is a wreck. As is his wife and children. Grandpa won't discuss it at all. At least the kids are old enough to know he loved them.


New member
Oh Laura, I'm so sorry to hear about your Uncle. Good thoughts and prayers go out to him and everyone close to him.


New member
Laura, I'm so sorry to hear this. I'll be praying for Donny and your family. Cathy was right about the length of the prayer list.


New member
Oh Laura, how terrible. Of course they are all in our prayers. There is always room for one more. I'm so sorry.............


New member
It is times like these Laura..that I remember many things..among them..the picture captioned: "He ain't heavy father..he's my brother". When someone we bowed down in saddness and is our be asked to share. Although we are scattered to the far corners of this world, we come together here..and offer up our energy, as does the hospice strengthen hurting hearts of family..and to ease with love..the transition to..what will be, for those who go on before us. As we will each..make that trip in the future..may we look with nurture and care..upon all we do, and every that we leave no hurt behind. Love and Peace. ina n HB


New member
My thoughts and prayers are with your Uncle and family as well as you. I know all to well the long road you have traveled. My brother succumbed to ALL with 2 bonemarrow transplants. It will be hard , but remember all the wonderful times and it will heal the pain. May God be with you and your family!!


Inactive Member
ABSOLUTELY, everyone who loves or is involved with your uncle has my prayers. Hospice is a WONDERFUL organization to work with.



New member
Laura- Prayers going out to you and the rest of your family. Hospice is such a wonderful thing- it's about comfort, peace, and closure.