Pneumonia...and now megaesophagus and Myasthenia Gravis


New member
I wrote yesterday to ask for advice for my little lady, Madison who was diagnosed with Pneumonia yesterday. She was put on Baytril and Antirobe plus some meds for her stomach and gut. They looked at the x-rays and saw alot of air in her esophagus.

Today she couldn't even stand up she was so weak. She had not been able to hold things down in two days. We brought her back to the vet, we literally had to carry her into the vet office because everytime she tried to stand up her legs would collapse.

They told us that Maddi has megaesophagus and that she probably also has Myasthenia Gravis, which is some kind of auto immune disease. To test for the MG we had to go to a human hospital to get a vial of a certain medicine and then take it back to the vet. Once again Maddi has to be carried into the vet...she couldn't stand so she hadn't been able to urinate since yesterday morning, but when my husband picked her up she peed all over him (Awesome)!

Anyway they injected the drug into her and 13 minutes later she was up and walking around! IT WAS AMAZING! However, it confirmed that she has Myastenia Gravis.

We are home now, but have to give her an injection of this drug every 6-8 hours. Besides this new drug she is still taking the two antibioticss and some stomach stuff. I can't quite wrap my head around these last two days. Maddi's breeder has been an invaluable resource and support through this whole I fully comprehend the importance of choosing a great breeder!

Does anyone know anything about Myastenia Gravis or Megaesophageal??? We are very confused and worried for our little lady.

R Taft

Active member
I am so sorry again........MG andmega esophagus......there are a few on here ,Teri (Abbey) for one, who are dealing with this. When you said she had not been swimming I thought of a few things, but expected your vet to go through those.
I am sure they will give you some experienced sound advise. :hugs: Ronnie


New member
LOL... actually Maddi is the first confirmed case of Myasthenia Gravis at my vets office. All 3 of the vets came in to watch Maddi get the first injection. They kinda said that we will figure it out together.


New member
When they thought my puppy had it they gave me a medication to give him by mouth. We had to send the test to California and wait for results for a while. Did they do any of this?


New member
No, they told me that there is a test for it; however, it cost $250 and it would take a week to ten days to get the results.

Our vet spoke with the animal clinic in Portland that said that we should treat for the MG because it is a lot cheaper ($3) and we would get results in under 30 minutes. Basically they gave her a medication to control the side effects, followed by the injection.

There is a pill form as well as a syrup form but we are having trouble locating the pills, we lucked out because a hospital near me had a few vials of it, that's why we did the injection. She will have to have the injection until we can get the pills.


New member
There is someone here who's been through this...HSemko. Her puppy, Winnie, at 13 mos went through what Madison is going through now...pneumonia due to megaesophagus caused by MG. Winnie and our Mira were littermates.

You might want to get Madison to a specialist and determine, first, if it is MG...since there are other things than can cause her symptoms, and then work out a plan of treatment for her.

Heather may be able to answer some questions for you.

Sending good thoughts and prayers for both you and Madison.


New member
You might want to get Madison to a specialist and determine, first, if it is MG...since there are other things than can cause her symptoms, and then work out a plan of treatment for her.
Yes, I agree with this. Specialist should confirm the diagnosis. Other things can cause her symptoms.


New member
The vets actually said that there are many things that can cause her symptoms but the fact that she was able to stand and walk 13 minutes after this 2.2 mg Neostigmine (Methylsulfate) injection was confirmation that she has Myasthenia Gravis.

However, I am all for getting a second opinion...anyone know of any in or around Northern New Hampshire?


New member
Talk to your breeder as she may know of someone to refer you too. Really is good idea to confirm the diagnosis and then work out treatment plan. There is some other things that can cause or co-exist with MG that should be ruled out.

You can get a listing of Internist Vets on ACVIM website:
if needed.

Good Luck!
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New member still need a definitive diagnosis. The positive reaction to the drug is SUGGESTIVE of the disease, but it isn't an absolute. If you can swing the cost, go for the test they need to send out. The $250 one. We had it done when Mira was so ill since her littermate had MG.


Active member
just feeling for ya and all that your going through... ((many, many Hugs)) But remember to take of you in all this, I think you mentioned the breeder is helping, so please let her and make sure your ok!


Active member
Lori, I sent a message to you on FB about ME and MG. our Vet entered Abbey in a study with the U of Calif. Vet school who was doing a study of MG. If you'd like our Vets name and # just send me a PM. perhaps your Vet and mine can consult on the best course of action for Madison. There is hope, our Abbey is doing fine.


New member
Thank you all for you advice! I went from feeling kinda lost to feeling like I know what the next steps should be. Also, Teri I will give my vet your vets info...heck, I might even call her myself. Thank you all!

Pam G

New member
Lori, I'm so sorry to hear this about Maddie. I hope you can get her on some meds to control it. Please keep us posted.

Halli's Mom

New member
I just found this post...I know it is a year old, but my girl Jasmine was diagnosed with focal MG and ME in January. After 4 months of mestinon, prednisone, cisapride, lots of regurgitation, lots of sleepless nights, and lots of other issues, one day she just started eating fine. Jasmine was one of the lucky ones. 80% approximately of acquired MG dogs if treated will spontaneously go into remission. We just got our titer back, and she is indeed in remission.

It's been a rough few months, but I'm posting to offer support to anyone who gets the news we got. I honestly did not know how we were going to make it through, but Jasmine is living proof that there is hope!


New member
Note to all about antirobe:

Be careful with the antirobe (clindamycin). This is extremely rough stuff. Sophie was put on it once for some minor bacterial diarrhea she was having.
After two doses she was vomitting so violently she was bringing up blood. Within 10 hours of stopping the med she was better and eating/drinking again. The rescue I foster for will not allow this drug to be given to any of their dogs
. There are many antibiotics that are just as effective and not nearly so harsh as this one.
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