Photo Challenge 255: Movie Titles


Active member
For this challenge, come up with a photo that suggests a movie or television show title.

For example:



"A River Runs Through It"

I'm sure you have better pictures and better titles than I do. Let's see 'em!


Active member
What a great idea!!

"Animal House"

"Weekend at Bernie's II"

And because I love it - "My Girl". My dad surprised me at my wedding with a medley of songs for our Father/Daughter dance and My Girl was one of the songs. Obviously I didn't take it, so it's just for "awwww's".



New member
UnderDog - There's no need to Fear, Underdog is here.........

TopGun (Tomcats launching off the carrier deck)


Active member
Nah, they all go through a few slow days! Hopefully while people are thinking up good submissions, like yours and Ted's!


Active member
You didn't kill it Maggie....I've been thinking, Here's what I came up with

Joe Dirt

And another comedy...
Without a Paddle (if you haven't seen it watch it!)

and just a joke one....The Last of the Newficans


Active member
No one else has a photo that reminds them of a movie title? I thought I'd find at least one "Gone with the Wind" with a picture of a breezy lookin' Newf or something! :) Get 'em in by tonight 9 pm EST!!


New member
OK, this isn't a great photo but Willis just flung slobber all over the top of his head and it reminded me of a scene from...

There's Something About Mary


Active member
Nice pictures everyone! I enjoyed looking at them. The winner, however, is one that made me laugh out loud:


Ted, you're up!