Pets owning the cone...


New member
Oh those are funny! I wish I had seen them before Suki's spay or we would have decorated hers!

As a side note, did you know the cone is also called an E-collar …. which is short for and Elizabethan Collar which is named after the style of collar that Queen Elizabeth wore in the 1500s! I didn't know this until Suki had her e-collar. I wonder what Queen Elizabeth would think knowing her fashion statement was still popular 500 years later (even if just for dogs)! I bet she'd be proud.


New member
I did know it was an Elizabethan collar, but I'd kind of forgotten the fashion behind it. Cadie is so hot and panting, I would fill hers with ice cubes!


New member
That was funny. I've asked DD to figure out a cone that Zuzu can't get out of. She has "owned" every kind of cone they make - the last one, the comfy cone lasted 2 1/2 surgeries before she figured out how to get it off consistently. The others she had down in a matter of minutes - an hour. Agh.


New member
That was funny. I've asked DD to figure out a cone that Zuzu can't get out of. She has "owned" every kind of cone they make - the last one, the comfy cone lasted 2 1/2 surgeries before she figured out how to get it off consistently. The others she had down in a matter of minutes - an hour. Agh.
Oh no! Well I didn't mean formthismto happen, but the cone I have for Cadie has Velcro strips and the cone has stuck to the rug a couple of times! Poor Cadie, she pulls it up easily enough, but I will have to figure that one out.

Have you tried the donut?


New member
Have you tried the donut?
She wore the donut just fine but she was able to reach her entire leg still wearing it. :) Zuzu is freakishly long-backed and freakishly flexible. LOL.

With the velcro one, she shakes her head until the velcro fasteners are around the front (so the collar slides around her neck a bit), then she puts her head down and smushes it a bit into the floor, enough so she can get a front paw on an edge, then she pulls back with her head and pop! goes the velcro and she's wearing it like a peter pan collar instead of an e collar. :)


New member
She wore the donut just fine but she was able to reach her entire leg still wearing it. :) Zuzu is freakishly long-backed and freakishly flexible. LOL.

With the velcro one, she shakes her head until the velcro fasteners are around the front (so the collar slides around her neck a bit), then she puts her head down and smushes it a bit into the floor, enough so she can get a front paw on an edge, then she pulls back with her head and pop! goes the velcro and she's wearing it like a peter pan collar instead of an e collar. :)
Wow! Impressive! Maybe she needs a wide-brimmed tutu!