Paige sings with the Church Carrilon Bells

Bella and Gabe

New member
Paige was sleeping peacefully on the floor in my work room when she suddenly heard the church bells chiming. Being a good dog, Paige began accompanying the Church Carrilon Bells with her lovely singing voice. Once she noticed I was taping her she stopped, but I got a little of her aria.

Hope this link to her singing debut video works:


New member
Aayyooowwwwwllllll Great to see and hear another Newfie who likes to howl and sing along with church bells. Love how she is concentrating and modulating her voice to concord with the music she hears and chimes along. Paige and Orka could start a choir :D

Bella and Gabe

New member
Aayyooowwwwwllllll Great to see and hear another Newfie who likes to howl and sing along with church bells. Love how she is concentrating and modulating her voice to concord with the music she hears and chimes along. Paige and Orka could start a choir :D
Excellent idea! I'm sure Orka must have a lovely Tenor or Bass voice and along with Paige's lovely Alto, I'm sure they'd make the greatest Newfie hits parade! :icon_bb:


New member
They're both camera shy but have operatic voices :) Orka is bass when watchdog, wild dog and very happy, soprano when throwing a puppy tantrum. Quite a range. Yesterday he exhibited a new repertoire when learning to hop on and off his kayak, land marsh dock, in front of a cheering crowd. Mostly soprano whines and protest yips, but then long deep wolf howls when not getting his way LOL.

Is Paige vocal frequently or did the church bells awaken the inner diva? She has a very attractive compelling voice.

Bella and Gabe

New member
Is Paige vocal frequently or did the church bells awaken the inner diva? She has a very attractive compelling voice.
Paige only sings with the church bells. The church is only 1/2 block from our house and today must have been a special service because the bells rang for a very long time.

Paige always sings like this when they ring but usually once I grab the camera, she stops. This was the first time I could reach the camera as she was actually singing. :)


New member
Well, this just became a sing-along. Paige must have perfect pitch because my two just joined the choir. Very cute!


New member
Love it!! I'll have to play it for Ross and Phoebe when I get home! I'm sure Ross will go nuts! :lol: