Overbite Question


New member
Hi Everyone,
I have been waiting for my first newf pup for months. The day is finally here and I have a choice to make regarding which of 2 pups I want. They both look alike but temperament wise they are opposites. One is very laid back and the other is very outgoing, loving and people oriented. It seems like the second dog would do well in my lifestyle and with my family. The only problem is that he has an overbite. The top jaw is about a pencil eraser away from the bottom jaw. The bottom canines are not growing in to the soft palate. He eats fine and doesn't seem to be bothered by it. If any one has had experience with a newf pup with an overbite please let me know what the outcome was as an Adult. I have some decisions to make in the next 24 hours. Thanks so much.

Pam G

New member
I'm glad that the time has finally come to bring your baby home. How exciting!! I don't have any experience with overbites...so can't help you there, but as far as personality goes, My experience has been that the personality that they had when they were a young pup stays with them. At least it's been that way with my 4 newfs. So, I guess if your not planning on showing and just want a great pet..the personality that fits your lifestyle might be more important.
Tough decision...but I'm sure which ever way you decide will be fine.
Hope you have your camera all charged and ready to take pics... :D

Sound Bay Newfs

Active member
Since you have children and are not going to show, I would go with the calmer personality. Which pup did he breeder recommend or did she leave it up to you?

[ 05-11-2006, 10:44 PM: Message edited by: NewfYork ]


Super Moderator
I can tell you the bottom jaw is the last to grow. An over bite is more likely to correct itself than an underbite. But since you are not showing I wouldn't let that be a deciding factor. AS Lynn stated be sure to get the one that will fit in with your family and lifestyle. Remember for the first 18 months they can really go through some onery stages. I agree the calmer personality may be the best choice. Talk to your breeder.

Ohana Mom

New member
Trust me - ours was the most laid back of the bunch - and just this morning I've had to chase him around the sofa 3 times trying to get back my slippers!!!! (I know - my fault but it's so dang cute)....
My point is - I agree with Lynn - calmer may be a better fit for you....


New member
The calmer pup is no indication it will stay that way, pups change weekly, and, the most laid back can end up being the devil of the litter.
Bites can and do correct themselves as the head grows, sometimes not, there is no gaurantee, and, i would let it grow out.


Active member
If you have no plans to show, pick the pup that fits your personality and life style. An overbite unless it is severe and the dog cannot eat or something, means nothing outside of the show ring.