Other than that Mrs. Lincoln.. ;)


New member
In prob. ..2 or 3 parts..as I have no idea how much will get written..before my 3 ounces of merlot..kicks in. Time here? 8:24 AM..Monday. Breakfast eaten? None. Dogs walked on sched. this morning..you betcha..proper snacks given/breakfast done?..of course..ya doNOT..'short the dogs'..no way nohow!) So then..I am packed and ready to head to the son the seconds wilderness-sorta..camp in Washington state..leaving for the trip..as planning a 'way stop'..in the Astoria area to crash..Thursday night. Son the firsts hectic schedule (energy mangmnt programs /Comm. college LCC.)..causes us to drop the..night flyer..and ..head out on I-5 at 7 AM Fri. morning. A screaming tossing of baggages..a quick stop in Albany area for a killer breakfast burrito and coffee at Allanns bistro n stuff..and away..we go. Temps by the way..like all of the rest of you are having..UGLY! (We are to have another day at 100 today..then will drop to 80s Tuesday..70s by Wednesday..if forecasts hold) So we come screaming into their dads digs..to find a watering emergency..up at one of the extended farms..plus a relative dealing with screwed up thyroid. Bad stuff till..mitigated. Deal w/all that..eat out..too hot to cook..temps in the old float house he lives in..'toasty!!!'..and we..for the evenings entertainment..before trying to bed down..go outside and watch..The Bat Drop. Yes..old houses have several roofings, and several edges/gutters and such..that allow, nay CALL to bats..to..come nest your weary hordes..we love you..come, come..and become many..good health to your clan..yada yada yada! At about 9:35PM..the first bat drops about 3 feet..and then..soars off to the fields and supper upon the multitudes of flying insects..that live upon the pastures and sloughs..outside of Brownsmead area. Within 15 min. then rest of the..bat-clans emerge..and fill the night sky..with busy, happy bats..and the meteor shower activity..starts to be seen..and..that would be..heavenly-action..so to speak..avail. on no ones tv, CD or cell. Life..my friends..in the ..Slow Lane. ina n HB n Kesa