On the contrary Emma....


New member
Jackson discovered that I forgot to latch the gate this morning when I moved my truck so Dan could go to work. I let him out to do his morning business. A few minutes later I heard him barking. A little more panicked than normal though. I opened the kitchen door to let him in and he was out of the gate. I let him in and looked at the snow. We had about 3" fall last night so you could see where he had been. He went to the garage door, the front door and back to the gate. I guess I don't have to worry about him running away :run:

He barked that panicked bark for about 5 minutes after being inside... Almost like I locked him out and he was telling me off.


New member
Ha! The Tibetans would have been in the next town over... if I was lucky! Glad he stuck around.
Jackson could teach Emma a thing or two!! I think Nigel will be my homeboy, yes, I said homeboy. I think Emma lured him out before, you know how us women can be! The most recent time she broke free she was alone, it may have been because Nigel couldn't fit out of the opening anymore, but he didn't panic either because she was gone. He was just like, Yep the yard is ALL MINE!!


New member
Whew, glad Jackson didn't do any real roaming!
Ursa would have been a typical Pyr - disappear...or in this case disapyr. Fargo, not so sure what he would do but probably roam around the house and neighbors house a bit then come back in or just lay down on the front lawn. Sadie would check it out and then be right back in the backyard. When we take the pups to the dog park she rarely ventures more than 10-12ft away from us.


New member
Jackson could teach Emma a thing or two!! I think Nigel will be my homeboy, yes, I said homeboy. I think Emma lured him out before, you know how us women can be! The most recent time she broke free she was alone, it may have been because Nigel couldn't fit out of the opening anymore, but he didn't panic either because she was gone. He was just like, Yep the yard is ALL MINE!!

It is too funny. I always thought he would be like Emma and be gone but he surprised me!