
New member
One of our friends jokingly ask if he could use our dogs when he divorces his wife because they are such "BABE" magnets......HEEHEE! I also wanted inform him that they were idiot magnets too but decided to let it be.....


New member
20 years ago, I lived in a subdivision and got to the point where I only walked the Newfs at night...


New member
Maybe it's me or because we are new to the newf world but I love that people are so responsive to our two rescues and have no problems answering their questions. Walking the two through Petco Sunday, I even had two people stop and ask if they can take their pictures. Maybe I will get tired of it, but for now, bring it on.


New member
Going on 6 months here, and I haven't tired of it yet, and neither has Sulley. Just don't take them anywhere if you are in a hurry. I love educating people about the breed and 95% of people are super and just want to pet him and learn about him, so he adores it. He often gets told what a pretty boy he is.

There are idiots and a$$holes everywhere in this world, but usually if they don't like big dogs they don't come say hello, and that works for me. I also don't get phased about the 'cost' question. Others do. When I was looking at the breed, I felt it was a legit question to ask, and most people that do are very polite about it, and I consider it part of the education about the breed....lets face it, everything about our babies is expensive, and I am not shy about sharing that fact with those that are interested.


New member
I think the thing I tire of the most is people picking up their little dogs when we come walking by. I guess I don't have little dogs, and those people probably encounter some questionable dogs on walks, so I try not to take it as personal insult that they need to save their itty bitty dog from my heeling, wagging, slow-walkin' dog. Though in some cases, I think they're protecting my dog from their little snarling hellion.


New member
We've been lucky I guess, I haven't had anyone make rude comments or ask me financial questions. When we take the girls out it's like traveling with a rock star. Everyone wants to say hi. We get the wrong breed guesses, mainly the my friend has a white one of those. I tell them that's a pyranees if I'm not in a hurry or just smile and say that's nice if I am. I love being told how pretty they are and they love the attention so it's all good.
If you're opposed to the prong collar but have a puller, another option is the gentle leader head collars. Plus it might cut down on some of the questions because some people think they are muzzles :)

Wayne A

New member
If anyone seen the thread I took Chloe to my Grandson's Grade one class as his show & tell.Chloe was an Angel and all went excellent.The children were fearless of Chloe's gentle nature.Now I'll get to what I wanted to point out.After show & tell I asked the teacher if I could say a few words,she said of course.
I proceded to explain to the children to take NO DOG for granted.Some are big & scary but are not .Others look friendly but are not.So I advised them to never approach any dog big or small.Instead approach the owner at a safe distance and ask "Is your dog friendly & if so may I pet your dog ?" Told them to take nothing for granted and dogs are wonderful part of our life's but a dog is a dog & there all different either naturally or because of lack of training or wrong type of training.I'll never forget walking my Doby and having a couple with young child cross to other side of street and I could hear them saying that they were bad,bad dogs and to stay away.My Doby would have loved to be petted.Anyhow I wish the parents could have heard what I said but I'm sure at least one would have started an argument but if I got it to stay in one child's mind I feel good.
As for the Wow how do you feed that thing I say"She eats the same as a Lab" and that usually leaves them speechless.I do enjoy walking and taking Chloe with me maybe I'm lucky or it's her face but I haven't had anything but compliments about her.


New member
Giant breed dogs are just MEGA fun!!!! Even the silly questions and comments, its so much enjoyment share our luvs with the world


New member
more to Wayne's point, my friend Rob and I often find ourselves educating the children at the park that seem to be able to sniff out a Newf. We try our best to explain that they should ask (if they haven't) if it is ok before they come and pet a new dog because the dog may not be friendly and they might get bitten. Most take to it very well and tend to go around the circle of dog people asking if they can pet their dogs, and if so, which one would that be...the dogs are normally romping, so we go pull that dog out and away from the crowd so the kids can say hi.


New member
more to Wayne's point, my friend Rob and I often find ourselves educating the children at the park that seem to be able to sniff out a Newf. We try our best to explain that they should ask (if they haven't) if it is ok before they come and pet a new dog because the dog may not be friendly and they might get bitten. Most take to it very well and tend to go around the circle of dog people asking if they can pet their dogs, and if so, which one would that be...the dogs are normally romping, so we go pull that dog out and away from the crowd so the kids can say hi.
When we do therapy visits with kids in public schools, if they are high-functioning, one of the things we do is teach the ABC's of greeting a dog for the first time.

A: ASK the owner before approaching.
B: Show the BACK of your hand, in a fist, to the dog's nose for him to sniff. (It's harder for a dog to bite a fisted hand.)
C: Pet on the CHEST, not the top of the head.