Not even four yet...


New member
...but acts as if he is ninety years old
Within the past few months our newf has been mumbling and grumbling every time he shifts while sleeping or resting. During the night, he does this several times--he likes to move to different spots around our bedroom. But, even when he doesn't actually get up, he will mumble and grumble when he shifts position as he lays there. Is this normal? He doesn't appear to be in pain when he is up and about and acts normal otherwise.


New member
Mine sleep downstairs because they move around quite a bit at night. It keeps us awake, so they stay in the kitchen where it's cooler anyway.

et al
Two notes:
First off my dogs make so much noise at night I often wake up wondering who the heck is talking to me. I swear, they talk in their sleep.

Second, as for the Chewbacca impression, I'm a firm believer that Lucas had a Newf pup at his feet when he wrote this script for StarWars. Someone once told me he did have a dog there, but it wasn't a Newf. I want to know what other dogs speaks like the Newfs then! Imposter! ;)

KS Newf

New member
Gloria talks quite a bit, too, and it's decidedly unfeminine!! It's a combination of snores, snorts, and huge sighs!!