Newfoundland weight? !!!!


New member
Hi everyone! I have been on this board since I got newf Riley in March 2017. I have many times been tempted to write questions about owning a newfoundland and all that is related to it but have often found answers within the boards which I greatly appreciate! Lots of suggestions with what to expect in owning an newfoundland, activities and the like! (Riley is my first newfoundland dog). I am so happy and could never imagine all the adventures to come with having this loyal and loving companion.

However, I do finally have a question in which feedback would be greatly appreciated.

From what I understand, Riley's mom was approx. 2 years old when she had Riley and around 130 pounds. I went to the vet today and Riley clocked in around 100 pounds at 10 and a half months.

I know that weight varies for newfs depending on each dog and also male vs. female. But my question is for female newfs, and in your experience was 100 pounds a good weight for this age? The vet did not express any concern with the weight. I guess I am trying to understand average healthy weight. Riley is a very active dog with lots of walks and trips to the dog park and looks quite healthy. I just want to make sure that she is at a good weight during this time frame in her life. Any and all feedback would be greatly appreciated as I could not find anything about this online. Thanks much!


Super Moderator
As a general rule a growing newf should weight 10 lbs for every month of age. So at 10 months about 100 lbs is right on. Some will be more some less some more. My Adam was always a bit over and Chase was a bit under. Only you can tell if your newf's weight is right. You should be able to feel the ribs without having to push too hard. But you should not be able to feel the spine.


Active member
Jeannie is right on the money...10 lbs/mo. Riley's growth will begin to slow down as she approaches 1 year, but she will continue to fill out until she is around 3 yo. So I'm guessing that she might be close to her mother in weight, give or take a few pounds.

Don't get too hung up on weight, but do as Jeannie mentioned and feel her ribs. That's your best guide.


Active member
Our girls fully grown are 63 kgs.

Max was 52 kgs and Beau was 96kgs.

None of them were or are overweight so rib test is what l always go by.


New member
What was said above. I had three girls, and all weighed around 100 lbs at 10 months or so. They also slowly filled out, once they stopped going up, and ended up around 130 +/-.


New member
Thank you for all your feedback. I was definitely worrying as a newbie Newf owner and this made me feel like I am on track. Much appreciated :)