Newfoundland AKC Video


New member
I ordered the Newf Standards video from the AKC about 2 weeks ago, and got it yesterday.

I must say it was really good! About 20 minutes in length, it goes over what a Newf should look like with both good and bad examples of proper heads, feet, bodies, coat, stance, disposition, etc. It was less than $30 I think, and well worth buying. I know I'll likely review it fairly regular - if nothing more than to just see some beautiful Newfs!


New member
Dunno about the gift yet. I suspect it'll be a smoked bone and a new chew toy. I can't go too extravagant or my wife will get jealous. I always buy her gift last minute without planning. I've already planned in this two minutes of typing more for Angus' gift than her last b-day present. Hmmm - are my priorities correct???