Newfie newbie!!!! Help please


New member
Hello! We just recently got a Newfie, Tobie. So far he seems perfect. He is a biter at times and we are trying the "off"method and redirecting him with something and treating. Our Siberian Husky isn't sure about Tobie. He nipped at last night for getting to close to his food dish. We have close close supervision when the husky is in the house. Does anyone have advice on Newfies and on how to get the husky to adjust to the pup.

Thank you


Active member
Give them space and don't feed them too close together atm.

Don't let them get too close to each other's food bowls though if your husky really wanted to tell him off he would.could be he's just putting him in his place.

Land shark phase with Newfs is very common so lots of redirection.


New member
How old is Tobie and how old is the husky? As Victoria says, Newf pups are notorious landsharks. But he's a puppy and the husky is probably just laying down the rules. I too would make sure the puppy doesn't bother the other while eating.


New member
Tobie is 10 weeks and Timber is 2 years. Today was a better day. Timber acts like he wants to play but we are on guard when he gets close just to make sure. ��