Newf going into heat.


New member
I have a newf that isn't quite one yet but she's almsot there.
I need some advice on a company or type of diaper to get her for when she does go in to heat.

Or some advice on handling that when it does happen. Again, it's a ways away. But we just want to be fully prepared for when it does happen. The diapers I got at pet smart are to small. And i don't want to buy a bunch of different kinds online and have the same problem.




Super Moderator
Most dogs are pretty good about keeping themselves clean. I never used any type of diaper when mine were in heat. I did keep her off the carpets.

At one year of age I'd assume she already had a heat cycle. Most generally dogs go into heat anytime after 6 months of age. My girl had her first heat cycle at 8 months. Some can go longer before their first cycle.


New member
My baby girl just had her first heat at 11 months of age...I was wondering what in the world was so smelly on her and figured it out when she peed in the was tinged with some blood. She is almost fully over it thank god...we didn't need the diapers either as she has been really good at cleaning herself...can't wait to go to the groomers though as she is still a bit smelly in her lady area...good luck...


Active member
Never used pads with my girl. Her first heat was smelly, but that's all. The rest were nothing as far as being messy or stinky. I have carpet, hardwood and tile, but I only found a couple of drops on rare occasions. She would go into heat about every 4 months, so don't be shocked if your girl does, too.

Piper, who was 14 months when she had her first heat, was VERY affectionate during her heat and of course, I made sure she was always on a leash if not in her own fenced yard. Never left her unattended outside either. When they go into "standing heat" they are brazen hussies and will present themselves to any male around, even if he is neutered. LOL.

In a nutshell, it was pretty uneventful and never messy. Just take extra precautions when she is outside.

Sound Bay Newfs

Active member
Never use anything for my girls. They keep themselves clean but otherwise a little cleanup here and there is usually all that is needed. If she is almost one she could go into season any time now.


New member
Oh my I thought I didn't have to worry about this for a little while yet. Gwena is 8.5 months old. Taver is NOT intact but he has started trying to mount her when they are playing. I haven't noticed any smells or anything from Gwena. Tell me this will be obvious because her best buddy other than Taver has all his equipment.


Super Moderator
It is not always obvious. The best thing is to check them for swelling. You can also take a white tissue or paper towel and wipe them to see if you see any color. The color can be anything from red to yellow.

R Taft

Active member
katy came in really late at 14 months, the first time and Yussie was at 13 months...i never used anything either, just had to make sure our entire male lukey did not get anyone pregnant :lol: