New Newf


Inactive Member
I am going to get my second baby on Sunday and very apprehensive. what do I do to help the transition.She is use to living out doors in a kennel and my dog is inside on my bed.I feel like a new parent agian.what do I need to know? :confused:


Inactive Member
i just got my baby about 2 1/2 weeks ago. He is used to being in a pen outside with 11 other pups. The problem i am having with it is that he doesnt really like being inside and I too want a dog that will cuddle with me indoors. Surprisingly enough though, for being able to poop and pee wherever and whenever he wanted, he sure is doing excellent with potty training.


New member
Well...give her time to adjust. Right now I'm finding that our Newfs and many of our Goldens NEVER want to come inside. The weather is just too nice.

Newfs like it cool to downright cold...and cuddling is fine, but gets hot after a while. You will find in time that he wants to stay by your side...but right now, he's enjoying the weather and learning about his new home.

Also, as much as they like to be with their humans, Newfs can be "stoic"...our Mira is. She loves us, and loves to be loved by us, but on her terms, and enough is enough in short order for her. She'd rather be swimming!

Edited to change "him" to "her".

[ 10-18-2005, 08:31 PM: Message edited by: Ardeagold ]
If you have like a Florida room, that might be a good place to feed the new baby for a while. It'll be cooler (usually) than the rest of the house, but still "indoors".

They learn to come in. It just takes time, and with the colder weather coming, that might be challenging.

Good luck with the new addtion!


New member
Congratulations on the new baby! Be sure to post pics to share with us.

Our Maggie was an "outside puppy", but learned quickly to enjoy being inside. Crate training was challenging, because she had never seen a crate before, so we enclosed the diningroom by adding a sheet of plywood to the openings of the doorways. When we could watch her, she was allowed into the rest of the house...but until she was reliable (potty outside only), she had the diningroom as her area.

She was also rather "stoic" and I even wondered if she cared about us at all, but she soon came out of her shell, and now is very demanding about getting attention (especially from her "daddy").


New member
Even if she lived outside as long as the new pup has been really well socialized to humans she is going to want to be with you. Our 4 month old was an outside pup as well before we brought him home but he had been so thoroughly socialized to people and couldnt stand to be away from our side.

Now that he is maturing a bit with the cool weather he really tries to be outside and lay on the deck when he gets tired and I let him in limited doses. He is a pretty dominant personality so I keep a pretty close tab on how much unstructured free time he has by himself.

My biggest suggestion is to have her sleep in your bedroom if possible and as long as she was well socialized everything else should fall in to place. Glad to see another newf added to the iowa crew...keep us updated!


New member
Congrats on the new newf!
Malcolm loves being outside when it's cold out or cool. The rain doesn't bother him either and he gets an attitude if we don't let him out. So there we stand hats and jackets on getting wet!
With the heat in the summers he's an inside a/c dog if not in the water. He lays on the deck where he can see us. But hates being outside by himself otherwise.


New member
Hey, is this the 2 year old that your rescuing?!

I sure hope so, and if it is, just be patient with her, and she'll come around. It may take a while for her to want to come into the house, if she's never been inside, or socialized, but usually they quickly figure out that being in the house is WAAAY better than being outside by themselves. She may be a little clingy for a while, and your other dog may be a little jealous at first, so be sure and give both A LOT of one on one time without the other.

We need pictures as soon as possible! ;)

Congratulations on the new addition!


New member
Our Bailey was a rescue that was never allowed in the house. When we got her, she never wanted to go outside. We had to bribe her. The longer we have her, the more she realizes that just because we let her out, doesn't mean we won't let her back in.

Stoli, OTH, will go in and out but now that the weather is much cooler, it's mostly out.

Bucca, she would never come in if she didn't have to. Unless there's a single droplet of rain...


New member
Now that Leslie has mentioned Baily, I realized that our rescued Chocolate Lab, Baby, is exactly the same way. She's been here four years now and will only go out and stay out if we're out.

She used to follow us around even if we only moved from the kitchen table to the sink. She got over that in a few months, but going out was an issue. She'd rather "hold it" instead of go out. We tell her every day that she "lives in the house with us".

One thing we have noticed with rescues that were kept outside (and we've had a few over the years), is that they seem to be afraid of thunderstorms, and often wind and rain. They're IN till it's over, and they know when a storm is on the way HOURS before we do. The sun can be shining away, and Baby is hiding under the kitchen desk.

Good luck with your new "baby". It'll be fine, but will take some time for her to adjust to your home and your "set up". She'll like it tho...believe me!


New member
I think you will find it will be easier than you think. They want to be near you, and if it's a rescue, he'll be happy to do "whatever". I helped in a pug rescue a couple of weeks ago. This dog had been outside mostly and in a group of eleven. He went to an inside home with one female who slept with "mommy". First night he was right in bed with her, and has been ever since.

et al


New member
You're right Donna. Bailey used to get in the tub and sure enough, a few minutes later it would thunder. She doesn't hide in the tub anymore but she does get a little distressed when it storms. That's the only time she wants to be up in the bed with us.