Nasty Nasty Hot Spot-seeking advice


New member
Panda has a hot spot (at least I think) between her toes on her front foot. Neither her nor Lucy has ever had a hot spot so I'm not sure. Very raw, she's rubbed or chewed away the fur. I've cleaned and trimmed the area and am trying to keep it clean-the addition of 6 inches of snow is not helping. We have a solution (Sulfodene) we have from Bitsy that we've applied. Is this vet ER-worthy? It looks like there's a small rupture in her skin. I am going to take her to the vet tomorrow. Also, we've put a sock on her leg, is this correct? Or should we take it off? She wants to keep messing with it so we're watching her like a hawk. NEED ADVICE Please!!

Sound Bay Newfs

Active member
If she seems ok otherwise and doesn't seem to be in any distress, then it probably is not necessary to take her to the emergency vet. You can spray it with Listerine for now (it is an antiseptic) and if you have Gold Bond powder you can put some on also to help dry it up. The sock is not a good idea since you want it to get air and dry up.


New member
If she seems ok otherwise and doesn't seem to be in any distress, then it probably is not necessary to take her to the emergency vet. You can spray it with Listerine for now (it is an antiseptic) and if you have Gold Bond powder you can put some on also to help dry it up. The sock is not a good idea since you want it to get air and dry up.
Yep..Listerine helps.Used it on our Border Collie who got hot spots just about every Summer. Never used the Gold Bond but definitely the Listerine.
Sulfodene never did much for me except stain whatever it touched (oil based I think) and smelled. I've heard it does work on some things though.
Good luck. I hope you get it under control.


New member
Try spraying it with the Calamine - the stuff that comes in the can not the tube. It'll help stop the itching and dry it up. If the sock is cotton, the air should still be able to get to it. It's more important that she keep from licking it. You can also get spray antiseptic and analgesic which will help to keep her from feeling the itch or burning that leads to the licking.


New member
I think the rule for hot spots is to dry them out, so I would not put the sock on as it will trap moisture.


New member
I'm glad you posted this Mark...I don't know what's going on, but Boj just had an outbreak on his left leg. First it was only on the back of his leg, but he chewed it so much and got his leg so wet, now there is another on the inside of his leg! He chewed so much he has a small sore on his mouth from all the chewing! Maybe it's the changing of seasons or something, but this is ridiculous!

Wayne A

New member
I think the rule for hot spots is to dry them out, so I would not put the sock on as it will trap moisture.
That's correct.Having dealt with hot spots on my lab for years I do know that.The bacteria feeds on the moister.You will likely end up cutting the fur around the area.But until you see the Vet just keep it clean & as dry as possible.The Vet will (if it is a hot spot) give you anti-biotic,prednisone for the itching and trim the fur so it can stay dry till it heals.Hot spots will weep and smell bad also.
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New member
Thanks all. We're keeping the sock on for now as this prevents her from licking and causing more problems. It is oozy but we're trying to keep it clean and dry until we can get to the vet tomorrow.


New member
Thanks all. We're keeping the sock on for now as this prevents her from licking and causing more problems. It is oozy but we're trying to keep it clean and dry until we can get to the vet tomorrow.
Aww...Poor thing.. hey though, just remember what Ginny said about he sock being cotton so it can breathe. Let us know what the vet says eh?


New member
We went to the vet and Panda has a severely infected foot. She has the cone on her head which is like wearing a small satellite dish. She is not a happy camper (and she's always a happy camper.) She's on antibiotics and pain meds, which may be making her sick-she threw up after she ate her dinner-but this may also be because she went out and ate snow after dinner (not an uncommon occurance.) The infection is bad enough that the vet is concerned it could spread to the bone. Keeping her foot dry when you have 6 inches of melting snow is a tad challenging as well. Also we have to soak her foot twice a day in epsom salt solution and she has been less than cooperative. All this today, which is the day I'd set today aside to study for my CFP final on Weds. If you ever need a mind teaser, pick up a text on estate and gift tax planning.


New member
Oh Mark.. I'm sorry for Panda. That's rotten luck for her, definitely. You too!
I do hope she responds quickly and feels better soon.

Wayne A

New member
Poor girl. Now at least you know what your dealing with,I hope she recovers quickly.Good luck with your test on Wed.


New member
Poor Panda...that really stinks!

My little guy Zacc is prone to getting infections between his toes and between the pads on his feet. We were told to keep them clipped closer than your would normally clip a newfs feet. The extra hair in between those areas locks in the moisture, making a great environment for infections. Since we have been clipping he has had no further infections, although we have also been trying to dry his feet extra good.

I hope Panda gets well soon. Prayers and best wishes.


Active member
Oh, Poor Panda! Prayers and healing thoughts on there way. Get well soon Sweetheart.
And Mark, think I'll pass on the book, "Life" is a big enough brain teaser for me!!!


New member
Ugh Mark, I'm feeling your pain. I just had Bojie on the ground on his back, basically wrestling him by myself, and found two more hotspots on him. Tried to cut back as much hair as he'd allow, before he started to buck like a wild bronco and I didn't want either one of us getting hurt. He went splashing around in a stream a few weekends ago, and got wet up to his belly, he's got so much extra coat on him, that I'm thinking both of those factors fostered the hotspots. I'm sure the snow is not helping you at all. I'll be thinking of Panda, and hoping she heals quickly. Hot spots are the worst:(


Active member
I hope you all feel better soon. Never had to deal with them, so sorry no advice from our end.