My Newf LOVES Bitter Apple - Help!


New member
So Artie just had his 1/2 birthday and is definitely in a chewing phase. He has plenty of chew toys, but really likes to chew the rug, the kitchen table, the sofa cushions... I spray with Bitter Apple and he just licks it. Seriously.

It does not help that he is obsessed with water and wants to drink all the time.

Any suggestions?


New member
Maybe he thinks he is a Tibetan! Honestly, bitter apple didnt work for them either. I had to crate when I couldn't watch them. And I provide tons of chew alternatives when I was around to keep them occupied. By age two they were trustworthy... but it was a long road. Tibetans as a breed are destructive, so I wasn't surprised. But you might want to limit access and deter with other things (kongs stuffed with peanut butter and frozen are a good alternative)


New member
Thanks, Lisa. We do crate Artie and we actually keep him on a leash in the house. I guess I was just hoping for a miracle cure! Two years, huh? :)


Active member
We had the same problem with Abbey. Her name soon became, Oh Abbey!!!
Don't get me started on everything she's eaten. And yes, she LOVED the bitter apple too!!!
Abbey's handywork on the 4 Runner:

The key for Abbey was to wear her Butt out! Otherwise, she'd find ways to entertain herself!
I thought Clifford was the only one that thought bitter Apple is yummy. There is a stonger version called "Bitter Yuck". It's delicious too apparently. He doesn't mind hot sauce on things either. He's 3 now and we still have a counter surfing problem.
Sorry I'm no help here.

Jorge's mum

New member
or strong perfume? Jorge was destructive for the first 2 years and had to be crate or kept behind a baby gate. good luck x

R Taft

Active member
And I just use bones....none of my dogs seem to chew and i have had quite a few newfie pups and non newf pups. We just give the daily bone, I believe that pups need to chew. Started with brisket bones for puppies and went from there. Good teeth and happy dogs :) Ronnie


New member
My puppy kindergarten class recommends Listerine, the brown kind (original I guess) we've been spraying our hands with it for the puppy, but they recommend it on other things too. Also aqua velva. And tiger balm or the like to put on leashes etc. Hope one of these helps!
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New member
Bitter Apple did NOT keep Poppy from chewing the leash when she was about 6 mos. Drove me crazy. I read somewhere to try Binaca, sort of spray down toward the dog, but not on her. She HATED it. Stopped her from chewing. I could also spray the leash and it worked the same way. You might could spray stuff with it, to keep Artie away.

As for chewing wrong stuff here...the crate. Providing lots of things she could chew really helped, too. And when we caught her, we would substitute something she could chew for the contraband. There are few things she has chewed, so we are lucky, that way. But man, she destroys toys really fast!!


New member
My Mila loved the Bitter Apple and vinegar spray too. My Clydesdale had a major chewing issue and I ended up having success with a very hot pepper spray they sell at Farm & Fleet, although it should be used in a well ventilated place. I never tried it on Mila, but I did rub habenero chili powder on her problem area (the drywall and trim in her bedroom) and it worked well although admitedly, her destructive habits were best curbed by wearing her out every day!
I would recommend finding an outlet for her destructive energy. Doggy day care has been a godsend for us!


New member
I had one that loved Bitter Apple, and we switched to Tobasco sauce. It worked and it covered the teeth marks on the wood. Mostly, you have to vigilant when they're chewing a lot and give them frozen towels that have been soaked in water and wrung out. As they thaw, switch to another frozen one, because these soothe the ache. You have to watch, though, to be sure they don't eat the towels.


New member
Thank you all so much for your advice and tricks. We do try to wear Artie out as much as possible - which works in as much as he sleeps after! He also has loads of chew toys and I try to divert as much as possible. The thing is, he is so quiet and sneaky when he chews! He can be laying right next to where I am sitting and I can be totally unaware that he is going to town on the rug or table leg.

That said, Listerine seemed to do the trick - thanks Bojie!!! He definitely did NOT like that taste. I am wondering, does the taste linger or do I need to spray often? We shall see.

Thanks again everyone! I love!!! This community is so knowledgable, friendly and helpful!