my boys


New member
Well, it is now 9 o'clock and Wilbur just now decided it was time for a "swim". He went out into his little pool of course it is only up to his legs but he had to dunk his head in the water and come jump in my lap. The first picture is Wilbur's wet head and the second is what Tim thought of it!


luvxl k 9

New member
Aww Wilbur just wanted to cool off before he went to bed. Of course he also needed to use your lap to dry off on so he would'nt get HIS bed wet!


I hate those late night swims!
Wilbur would have been great in the dunking for eggs contest at the get-together! Cute pics!


New member
Eww...why is it that the dogs come straight to US, or put their heads on our clean (dry) sheets, when they've got wet heads?
I'm with's BEDtime, not swimtime.


New member
Wilbur figured nothing like a little dip in the pool before retiring for the night, while Tim was getting his beauty rest.