More Moose


New member
Hi all,

Here's an update on the Moose. He's now 10 and a half weeks old.

His current major loves are biting Mum's hair whenever possible (I'm going to get him out of this habbit very soon) and squeezing himself into as many small places as he currently fits- he seems to have a unique 'Mum i'm under the couch!!!!' happy bark. He's also fanatical about his water bowl and always has to sleep in, on or curled around it after splashing it everywhere.

R Taft

Active member
Moose need a puppy pool.........I know it has been very hot where you are too :)

Katy used to sit in hers all day, she loved it in Summer, now she has the dam

My gosh he has grown so much....he looks so cute


New member
How sweet! Suki was like this too! I wonder if she will still try to get into her water bowl next summer? Moose is so pretty!!!!


New member
Very cute. Oliver used to try and find the smallest places to lay around in when he was that age too.


New member
Heheh Ronnie he does have a puppy pool- he absolutely loves it- especially trying to jump in for a fun play swim at 3am when we go out for a pee break..

He now has a couple of water dishes around on the deck- One for drinking and then a couple for splashing purposes. I just couldn't keep up with refilling his original bowl often enough to make sure he had something to drink between all the splashing!

Blaue augen- how old is Suki? I was thinking the splashing could be because it was hot but it's starting to sound like a charmingly damp newfie trait!