More hotspot questions


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You can sqirt a little anamax or triple antibiotic ointment up her vaginal opening every now and then. once a week well..


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Chance started out with hot spots, or so they thought. then they said it was a staph infection, after five weeks of antibioics it was getting worse. Took him to a new vet who did a scraping and it came back as a funus. She did not know if the fungus was secondary to the original staph infection, or if it was fungus to begin with but said the antibiotics made it worse as fungus lives off of antibiotics. I now have to bathe him every five days in special shampoo and put meds directly onto the spots. It seems to be working, but the vet said it is a bear to get rid of. Oh my aching back from all the bathing!
I found the recessed vulva thing interesting though as my Abby smells so bad! I'll have to get her checked out.


A fungus? Now that's a scary thought. I'll keep that in mind if she doesn't respond very soon to the antibiotics. That does not sound fun giving a bath every 5 days! Good luck, hope that does the trick for Chance.


New member
one of the Bloodhounds on our SAR team kept getting reacurrent fungus on his skin, he was a beautiful BH, not at all what you see in the show ring, those to me are way oversized.
anyway, he was the true working dog with a nose to die for.
the gal did some research and finally came up with a natural remedy.
they told her to feed him Cinnamon in his food.
i believe it was either a pinch or a teaspoon twice a day.
it worked.
it took some time, but, it did do the trick.
you guys might want to do some research on cinnamon and see if it is a worthy thing to try.


Cinnamon, I bet she would love that. I'll do some searching to see the dose. I just gave her some benadryl. All that poking around yesterday seems to have stirred things up. When she has to get up for anything, she gets agitated, I'm sure from extreme itchiness. Thanks for all your help.


New member
Originally posted by Keira25:
That does not sound fun giving a bath every 5 days!
When we rescued Bailey, she had to be bathed and dried every day for 10 days! Talk about awful. Considering it was February in Chicago and it all had to be done in the house! Bleck.


New member
A bath every five days is back breaking, especially since I don't have a tub! However it is working, he is down to only one affected area and that is getting much smaller. Hopefully I won't have to go through this all winter! If I do, the groomer will make a fortune!
Sarnewfie, I found both articles very interesting, thanks for that post! This all started with Chance last summer when the heat and humidity were so bad, this year hasn't been much better heat wise. However he is in AC 90 percent of the time.


New member
Leslie, I love the Chlorhexadine flush, too. I pour it on, and massage it into, any spot that gets started, and it clears right up. Use in combo with the Chlorhexadine shampoo for bathing, and even our sensitive Lucy has had relatively few spots this summer.