Moonlight Hates Snakes


New member
Even on TV. Every morning the dogs and DH go into the family room and turn on the TV while he's handling his email. The girls go to sleep - Moonlight in front of the hearth, Flaget in front of the couch and Rory behind his chair. This AM he turned on something from the Smithsonian or National Geo channel on big snakes but is not really watching it. Moonlight was snoring. Suddenly he realizes shes awake staring at the TV. She raises up on her front legs and then gets up, marches over to him and gives him one of her very pointed stares (usually meaning I want the fan on, my supper, or to go out). He looks at her and says, "Do you need to go out? What do you want?" She turns her head and stares at the TV (with black momba) and the glares at him. "You want the snakes to go away?" She glares at him, at the TV and back at him. He caves and changes the channel to Sports Center. She goes back over to the hearth, lays down and heaves a hugs sigh and goes back to sleep. Don't ever tell me dogs can't talk.


New member
Oh that is too funny! I was actually watching that show last night...creepy snakes! I'm with Moonlight! I hate snakes....they do talk though...I agree...that is just too cute!!


Active member
Great story!

Over the years, I've come to realize that dogs DO talk...a lot...more than many people realize, and that in most cases, we are not listening. Just another testament to their superiority.


New member
Mike Rowe was on "Dirty Jobs" this morning and he was catching water snakes bare handed. He was talking with a woman and getting bit - it's one of their best episodes. So funny. Any way, Moonlight paid absolutely no attention, so my husband brought up the Scary Snake Program and her eyes about popped out of her head. I made him erase it. We realized Mike Rowe was in a discussion, laughing, and the snakes were not close up. The other show had close ups of fierce looking snakes. Now, as far as we know she has only seen one mad scary snake in her life, and it was a big giant corn snake that the five grand dogs had cornered in our back yard when she was about a year old. I guess she remembers it, but at least she learned her lesson to leave snakes alone.