Max and his limp


New member
It seem like the foot that he lost the toe on is twisting as he walks which is causing the pad to get sore. Would something like the balm stuff that they use for the snow and ice help protect it? The area around the pool has the coolcrete floor that he walks on to get outside but other than that he is on grass or carpet. Thanks for any advice.


New member
I did consider boots but was afraid that he would get hotter with them on. Is that silly?


Active member
We've used stuff called bag balm, farmers use it for cows utters, so if it's like a chaffing or chapping of the could work for you. (I use it on their elbows)


Active member
With the elbows, I usually do it maybe once a month, but it can be used more than that. The consistency is like vaseline so when I put it on the elbows it does muff up the hair until it absorbs, but it has worked great for that. I use it to protect the elbows cause I know they will eventually get ruff so I figured I'd try to head that off at the pass.
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