

Inactive Member
I am so very sorry to hear about Mango, I remember how tough it is to lose a pet unexpectedly...

I hope I can help...
this is how I explained a recent pet loss to my daughter who was 8 at the time, When my pyr was very sick, I knew I just couldnt have him go on like that, I explained to my 8yr old daughter that Dakotas spirt needs to go to rainbow bridge. I explained what Rainbow bridge was all about, its heaven for pets. He will be happy and not so sad and in pain. I told her That he has no need for his old and tired body,and we can have his ashes to remember him by until we meet again.She was ok with that.
So, until that day comes,his collar and ashes sit in my grandfather clock-for love is timeless....


New member
Please accept my condolences. I certainly can appreciate how you feel at the moment. From my experience this summer, you will get over it, but only time will help.

When Mowgli died we ended up planting a new rose bush in the garden near where he used to pee all the time. He was creamated and now sits on the mantle waiting for DH to make something for him to live in. Why even this morning I was missing his thump, thump, of his tail on the bed frame in the morning. It does get easier, but you still miss them.....
