Madeline McCann


Inactive Member
I don't know how many of you have heard about 3 year old British toddler Madeline MacCan going missing from her room in portugal last Thursday, but as sad as I am about poor Madeline going missing, and I have kept them in my prayers for her safe return, I just had to say.
What kind of parents are they?, that they would leave 3 children under the age of 3 in a room ALL they could go and have dinner alone? I don't care if they checked on them every 30 only takes 3 seconds for someone to take your child......I just don't understand how anyone could think it was O.K to leave these babies in a room by them selves!..It sickens me.
Now don't get me wrong, I feel for these parents, because I can only imagine how it must feel to have a child taken, I have lost one of mine in the grocery store for a few minutes, and that feeling of sickness crunches your every bit of insides......the panic, the fear, the many emotions rolled into a few short minutes..but I have always found them, so to have her parents still after a week, not know where there precious baby is.must be hell on earth..and I pray for them.......But that is exactly what Madeline is .A BABY.she is 3 years old, and her younger brother and sister(twins) are 2!!!! and they were left alone in a room in a strange country, while they had dinner!!!!!......... I know they have to live with this for the rest of there lives, I as a parent would never be able to forgive myself if it was me....But me?.I wouldn't have done it....some people may think living with this is punishment enough, but shouldn't they have to take some responsibility for there actions........There DOCTORS....they should have known better........And I truly think if it was a family, from a council estate in England, instead of two "well to do" Doctors, that the family would have gotten so much more flack and probably charged for child endangerment.
There I said my piece.......and my prayers are with Madeline...
"may God guide you home little one, may God protect you while you are missing, and embrace you with angels to carry you home"


Inactive Member
IF ANYONE CAN HELPFIND MADELEINE Crimestoppers Uk 0800 555 111. Abroad 44 1883 731 336

British 3 year old Madeleine McCann was abducted from her apartment bedroom in Praia da Luz holiday village(Algarve, Portugal) on Thursday 3rd of May 2007.

The McCanns returned after their meal, shortly before 10pm, and found the door and window wide open and Madeline gone.

The couple, who are both doctors, also have two-year-old twins, a girl and a boy, who were in the room with Madeline when she disappeared.


New member
Thanks for posting this Nikki, you beat me to it. Lot's of different people I've been talking to (and shes in everyones thoughts, prayers and conversation) think there's much more to this than meets the eye.
Your so right about the council estate versus the 'well to do.' The council folk would probably have been in jail long before now.


Inactive Member
You know sister told me about this yesterday-she is a Police officer in England-and she said the same thing.
Unfortunately, I hadn't heard anything of the missing girl over here in the U.S, so I logged on to the BBC news. I know she wont have been brought to the U.S...but the more people know about her, the chances of her been found are greater.


New member
Do they have any leads at all on this girl?

That is just awful, and I have to wonder what kind of parents leave their little kids alone like that....


Inactive Member
No Robyn they have had a few leads that led to nothing. It is just so awful, I just can't imagine as a parent what they must be going through.but I can't help but feel anger toward them, how could you as a parent leave your 3 children under 3, alone!


New member
I did hear about this on the US news today. On Fox News.

Prayers that she's found, safe and healthy. Poor little baby.


New member
I saw it on the news as well today but did not realize the circumstances. Very odd... And yes, there must be separate laws for the rich and poor over there as with any country. The poor wee thing. I feel sick when I think of what could be or has already happened to her. And these people are Doctor's???

Sue M.

New member
Prayers from here!

Having kids automatically comes with a great responsibility. They are responsible for making sure that their kids are safe! To leave babies this young in a room by them selves is a most irresponsible act! Personally, I think the parents should be charged with child endangerment!
Yes, I can feel for what any parent must go through when something like this happens but this was soooo preventable!!! And the fact that the parents are Doctors only makes it worse in my book! They're smart enough to be doctors but they don't have the common sense to know that you do not leave babies this age alone!! That has me questioning their competence as doctors as well!


New member
OMG! I just saw this. How terrible! I can't imagine these two intelligent people thinking this was ok!
I don't even know what else to say!!


Inactive Member
They could be threatened with or have to face Child Protective Services (if they have such a thing). Having an education, does not make you smart. I guess they never thought to look into a sitter for a few hours, most hotels do offer those services. I feed so frustrated & angry reading something like this. Once children come along "me & we", must come after "them", meaning that the kids needs always come first. 2 physicians should have been able to afford to take a sitter with them for the whole vacation, that way they could have had time to themselves.


Inactive Member
Originally posted by Terri P:
What dinner is worth that risk? (And what are council folk?)
Most council estates in the UK Terri, are very low income families, people with no jobs, young single mothers ETC, I would think it would be a little like section 8 housing here, but they have houses not apartments...I hope I explained that alright.....Some council estates now have been cleaned up, where the people have been given the chance to buy there homes from the council(governmant)...but most are still low income families.
Every body I have talked to at home know the full story about the children been left alone, and apparently Madeleine was asleep in the middle of her twin brother and sister, the last time the parents checked, they claimed they checked on them every 30 mins!!!!!!!
Yes most places offer or advertise that babysitting service is available. Apparently they claim one was not available!!...It just sickens me that they have had to not face the consequence for there actions..........YES we have child protective services in England, but because this happened in Portugal, I'm not sure if this is the reason no-one has come forward to prosecute them...I guess time will tell, but I know alot of people feel the same I do...THEY SHOULD BE CHARGED with child endangerment!


New member
Something seems fishy here. I wouldn't be surprised if we find out later that she wasn't missing at all. Remember Susan Smith and countless others. I hate to be so cynical but statistics are not in her favor. I will keep her in my prayers. I just want to say that higher education and money does not automatically make you a better parent OR pet owner. I live in very well to do area and many of my neighbors are doctors and lawyers, myself included. I had no problem giving up my salary to stay at home with my children and cannot ever imagine a time when I would go back. But not my neighbors. They all have Nannies and rarely see their children. I know because their kids are all at my house. We have many stay at home moms with full time nannies too - I couldn't imagine doing that ever. My children are three and five and they have NEVER had a babysitter other than my own sister once a year for my husband's Christmas party. My husband and I didn't go on a honeymoon ten years ago because our dog at the time had epilepsy and we didn't want him to have a seizure while we were gone. So I can't imagine leaving your babies alone while you have dinner - it is beyond negligence, it is a criminal act as far as I'm concerned. Why haven't they been charged with child endangerment? Clearly their child is NOW endangered - right? I can only pray for the innocent child because I have no prayers for her parents.


New member
This isn't just an hotel they are staying at, it's a holiday complex run by a company.
The very sad things is, that not only is there a baby sitting service, which they chose to ignore, but there is also a facililty, where they could have had the children ready for bed, then dropped them off at this place while they had dinner. So it was reported on the news the other day.
Oh and TODAY is Madeline's 4TH BIRTHDAY. All over this country there are prayers, services and vigils being held for her that she will be returned safely.
A Scots business man has put up a reward of 1 MILLION pounds for anyone who finds her.
There's been another update and the reward is now sitting at £2 1/2 Million. Also, bikers in Portugal have taped photos of Madeline on their front screens and are riding the whole length of Portugal with them.

[ 05-12-2007, 07:45 PM: Message edited by: breeze ]


Inactive Member
Wow Kathleen thank you for the update!
Tina I commend you for giving up your career to be a "mom"........I myself came to this country to be a "nanny'..i worked for a wonderful family, who at 5'o'clock, told me I was "off" duty! Other friends of mine had to work until the family saw fit!....I just don't understand it...why some people can and others can't!

Kathleen.....hasn't Richard Branson put forth a reward too?


New member
Yes Nikki he's one of a (they're calling it a conglomerate) of people adding to the reward. David Beckham is another.
Now authorities are wondering if a Portuguese person can be given the reward!
Red bloody tape!!


Active member
Charges would come after a resolution has been reached. They won't interfere with the parents at this time - unless they suspect they had something to do with it.

I didn't stay home while mine were little, but my husband and I worked opposite shifts so as not to put the kids in day care or with a sitter. I was always one of those paranoid parents. Only the grandparents and my sister babysat while the kids were little.

Happy to say that although my children were with us 100% the time, as are my brother's since his wife stays at home, they are no better developed or happier or any more secure than my sister and brother's kids who are all in daycare / preschool / etc.

I have to believe that loving parents and well-researched sitters/day care are key. On that note, I cannot believe that this couple would leave two 2-year-olds and a 3-year-old in a hotel room while they dined. Hello? Ever heard of take-out? Or how about this: go hungry before you leave babies in a hotel room alone.

Sorry. Had to vent.


Inactive Member
Funny thing is Terri.In Portugal, it is the norm' and the culture, to actually take your kids out to dinner with you!!...I mean the natives don't think twice about taking there families into a restaurant at 10'o'clock at night.....I don't understand it either, I heard reports yesterday that this was there last night of vacation, and it had been something they had done the WHOLE TIME they were there, left them alone!........Yes they said it's not "helpful' to be angry at the parents right now..But someone needs to stand up and talk for these babies!!