made a little animation


Inactive Member
This is my first one but it came out kind of cute.
It's hardly noticeable but Emily's eyes move too. :D


New member
LOVE it! What program did you use to make it? Our Maggie is really "into" butterflies, too. Her head bobs around as she watches them flit from place to place. Too cute.


New member
melissa you are incredibly talented, that is one of the most realistic looking animations i have ever seen, way to go, i hope you plan on more, i would love to see them.


Inactive Member
Thanks everyone, but Master? I don't think so. And Sar you are way to kind to me.

The cool part about it is the little tween the butterfly does in flight and all I had to do for that was push a button. :D

New2Newfs, I did this in a program called Adobe Image Ready, it's part of Photoshop. All you have to do is put each butterfly in a frame, change the angels and set the speeds of each frame. Time consuming and patience testing but not difficult.
I found the animated butterfly on google and just added more frames for a different movement.

MJ, I'm trying to check in as often as I can. My life has been a little hectic lately but it looks as though things may be slowing down soon. I do drop in every morning before work and look at everyone's beautiful pictures but just don't always have time to post.
The newfie pictures always make my day.

Thanks again everyone for your nice comments.