low white count


Inactive Member
I just took my 7 year old male to the vet and had a full blood profile run. His white count is low. She didn't say how low or what it meant, just that it would have to be checked again. In addition, his thyroid was borderline but she was awaiting results from Michigan. I'm very concerned and would like to know if anyone has gotten similar results and what they meant?
He was also borderline for Lyme and I don't know if that could be related.


New member
I do hope you get the results back soon, and its good news. There are MANY reasons that white blood cell counts can drop. Some very bad reasons, and some not so bad, so I hope things straighten out quickly for you.

Was there a reason you took him in for a blood panel, other than a yearly check up? How is he feeling, and acting? How is his coat, energy level, appetite, is he coughing, etc...?

[ 11-07-2005, 02:48 PM: Message edited by: Ivoryudx ]


Inactive Member
"Was there a reason you took him in for a blood panel, other than a yearly check up? How is he feeling, and acting? How is his coat, energy level, appetite, is he coughing, etc...?"
No, just for the checkup. He's always been pretty laid back so it doesn't seem like he's lathargic or tired. He still antogonizes the dog next door through the fence and he's always had a huge appetite. His coat seems fine since he's been groomed but he was shedding heavily prior to the grooming. I had been letting his coat go though. There was an incident early in the year when my husband cleaned out the fireplace and the vac malfunctioned spewing ashes into the air in the room where he sleeps. Maybe he did contract a respiratory infection of some kind and I didn't know it. I did make sure the vet listened to his lungs which were clear. The only other thing was the slightly positive Lyme test and the possible thyroid problem. I don't know if I should call back ask how low the level was. The vet said she won't retest for about 3 or 4 months. Maybe I'll request one sooner. Any thoughts?
Thanks for the concern

[ 11-07-2005, 09:43 PM: Message edited by: Patricia ]


New member
I just caught up with this from also the holistic.
How is he doing?

I would call your vet back. I mean it sounds like you're concerned and have several questions.
Ask your vet what he means by slightly positive for lyme? Ask your vet if it could have something to do with his liver and if there is a test that can be done to make sure his liver is functioning as well as it should be. HOw is his urination? I think blood panels should've shown information about the liver, BUT I can't remember. How about a urine sample?
Point is you can ask and get an answer. It will help ease your mind.
You can always get a second opinion too. If you are concerned and you feel your vet is not answering your questions, find someone who will.

Expressing concern means you should go with your instinct and follow up on it. Sit down and write out your questions.
I do the same thing. I get home and worry worry worry. Because...my questions weren't answered and I fell lost, scared and unsure. So I bug the vet until I understand why or until I am satisfied. That is your right!


[ 11-09-2005, 01:54 AM: Message edited by: RobandRobin ]