Leaping Lizards


New member
Or is that a flying cow LOL. No its just our baby Dylan showing off for his houseguest, the non Newf in the pic. He knows he shouldnt be jumping around like that at his young age but the temptation was to great...


New member
Oh my gosh Jeff, Dylan looks SOO big!!! I know he's in the air, but he looks bigger than Keifer!! It looks like they have a great time together!! I can't believe I haven't met Keifer's little bro yet! Are you guys planning to go to Paws and Claws?


New member
Dylan looks like an air dog. Future frisbee champ?

He does look as big as Kiefer in that pic. What are you feeding that kid?

Sue M.

New member
Wow.... He sure does jump high!!!
Are you guys going to the Paws and Claws?
Amy, are you guys coming?


New member
Laurel: He does look bigger than Kiefer in that picture but he really isnt. Must be trick photography. He gets wellness dog food same as his brother.

Amy And Sue: As far as I know we are going to newpendels paws and claws event. Then we will see if Dylan likes water...