It's all in the timing


New member
So I have been lurking around here for a little over a year now, absorbing (very much like a sponge) as much information as I can get my hands on.

Not gonna lie, researching about newfs and raising puppies has kept me occupied for many months. It's kind of like fantasy football, but without the football and more puppies.

Anyway it finally happened last week, I got an email from the breeder letting us know there was a puppy available. What was the catch? Puppy would be ready to go home next week! I was over the moon. Notepad immediately became covered in scribbles as I frantically researched crate prices and lists of "10 things you need before you bring your puppy home". I also tore through all the NN posts of how other people fared when they brought their puppy home.

What was the one thing I forgot? Oh yeah, to check with my partner! Anyway long story short he was not ok with the short notice and shut the whole thing down. :banghead:

So I send the breeder an email and mope around for the next couple of days.

Fast forward to today and an email pops up in my inbox from the breeder saying there are going to be two more litters later this year, and would either of those work for us?!!:shocker:

Of course the email arrives just as my partner begins a super stressful work week.

I'm thinking it's time to bust out the baking skills. Nothing makes that man more agreeable than a carrot cake. :cool:

Wish me luck!


Active member
How about a short trip to the breeder's with your partner to meet some dogs while you're waiting? Bet that will put your special someone in the mood (for a puppy, that is...sheesh, get your mind out of the gutter!) No one can resist a goofy Newfie.

Oh, and take along the patisseries. Never hurts to butter everyone up (pun intended).

Lisa@Caeles Hills

New member
:eek:Boy that is kind of too bad on your partner's end....especially since you've been working on this dream for over a year. I personally don't trust a guy who is not gaga for Newfs! If you're married of course he must come first, but if not I would head over to the Newfoundland Nationals next spring and find a new one:devil:

R Taft

Active member
Ha Ha , I just bring them home and hubby adores them. it is the only way for me......Even delinquent rescues, so now we have 5 plus one wannabee newfie


New member
Kick the fella out.....newf love us so much better lol only joking. I agree take him to lots of places where he gets to spend time with them.....honestly these dogs were made to make you love them it won't be long and he will be eagerly waiting for the fluff ball to come home.


Active member
Take him to talk to the breeder.also have a chat with him.

In our household l tend to do most of the dog stuff but Malc knows l love newfs though l dont like the drool much.but take the good with the bad .but when we lost Max it hit him hard and it was him who suggested two pups instead of one.

Find out if he has a problem with a newf and work with it . Hopefully just male panic attack but you neex to see if he is worried about it.

Lisa@Caeles Hills

New member
Once I was driving down the road on a rainy cold March day, and a puppy was shivering on the side of the road. An elderly lady came out of the nearby house and asked if I would take it to the shelter, as she could not catch it. I took it home and fed it and warmed it up first, and behold my husband came home from work early that day and saw the puppy. I told him what happened and that I was just about to take him to the shelter, and even though we already had 2 dogs he picked up the pup and said "He's mine!". Anyway, if I had asked him for another dog he would have said "no" LOL.


New member
We're phasing in and out of panic attack mode here. One moment it's ok we need to do "x". An hour later it'll be, are you sure we can do this? Maybe this isn't a good idea, followed by a list of possible names. Lol.
I'm positive that between Taver and any puppy that may end up here someone will get sucked in.


Active member
Panic mode when introducing any pup into a household that already has another dog in it is normal.

Just because I know my lot will be ok with pups doesnt mean its going to be easy but as with everything clear defined rules and also safe zones are important