Isaiah is home! Lord help me. sigh


Inactive Member
The boy is home, and well, I have my hands full. You all know how I was prepared for the worst, braced to baby him, etc? Well, the boy is in no pain. Not a twinge. His stride is perfectly normal. It's like having a frickin' Lipazan at the end of the leash. IF I keep it real short he crow hops along besid beside me. If I let it out so he can pee, he grabs it in his mouth and takes off like a shot. He jumps and spins on the way back,
I normally would be happy he was feelign so good (no doubt thanks to the rimadyl) if I wasn't supposed to keep him still. In the vets office, he dragge teh tech across the room Then he started carrying on like an 8 week old puppy while putting his collart on. The tech kept wincing as he threw himself down, rolled over and over, wiggled, etc. She was kind enough to wish me luck on that quiet calm stuff. <wry grin>

I let him into my room to go to bed, and he jumped onto the bed. I caefully eased him off and gave him a stern talking to. I stood up, and he jumped rght bck up, before I could even get my spine fully straight!

So Isaiah is feeling good. Too good. It's going to be a long 4 weeks. the tech says she's never seen one bounce back like Isaiah.

He's got a poodle cut on his left front leg. Pretty cute. His incision is only 4 inches long perfectly flat and not at all puffy or bunched. Actually looks like a week old incision rather than a one day old incision. Even if he wasn't in a lot of pain, I was expecting some muscular stiffness but he has a normal full stride.

Again, i attribute this untold success to your prayers and goos thoughts. Now, if you could just bring yourself to pray for a major aatttack of the lazies for the next 4 weeks. . . . .


Inactive Member
He is in his crate. He's getting all this hopping in on the way to go out to the bathroom. I'm trying to limit those outings, but he's very clever. HE know's I'm goign to loosen the leash sometime. Either that or I'll let him pee on my foot and he knows we aren't goign there. <G> So as soo as I let loose a little on the tension, he's off. <G>

I've started to sing the theme to cops as we walk out. <G> 'cause I know what's going on behind that angelic expression.



New member
You could put the mattress on the floor ...worked for Lucky's tplo...she could still be on the "bed" and feeling special...but no jumping. I also gave her benadryl to try to take the edge off her friskiness.


New member
you might want to find challenging thinking games for him that dont require a lot of bouncing, he needs to keep his mind busy, do you have toys that are interractive?
glad to hear he is home, does he absolutly need the rimadyl?
i would take him off if he doesnt, i would have no doubt that he bounced back becouse he is a healthy landseer boy, so typical! LOL


Inactive Member
I've put a call into the vets offfice in regard to taking him off the rymadil. Even if he has a little pain, and this sounds cruel, i think a little pain would serve to keep him less bouncy which will be better in the long run for his recovery.


Holly, who has taking to making the leash into a halter to keep at least one of his fet on the ground. <G>


New member
Well, while he may feel good you're going to have to keep him quiet according to orders and follow the instructions about exercise schedule when they start letting you. If it means crate, stay in crate, and out only on leash, then you need to do it. The spot has to heal and where the chip was taken out they hope for the cartilage to grow back as normal as possible so how good results depends on you following orders. :D


Inactive Member
<Laughing)> I'm neurotically following orders. I always do. I'm just freakign out because he won't walk sedately. He makes a game out of eevery effort I have to enforce it. It's amazing how much dancing they can get in even when you've got them by the collar. <sigh>

He should have waited until he was older to do this to himself. <BG>

Actually, I'm wondering if the medication is making him a bit more hyper. He's normally a very laid back, get to it someday sort of guy. However, it's probably just the fact that he's been crated for the last four days and he's happy to be home.


Annie Milliron

Alpha Goddess
Medication sometimes can have odd effects... everyone and every dog is different. Nyquill keeps Russell awake, and it knocks me out.

Is there any way you would consider another medication, and keep him sedated slightly? Just a thought...


New member
Oh boy - I sure don't envy you the next few weeks. Annie had a good suggestion! Good luck!


Inactive Member
The ortho has prescribed a tranquiliaer for th eboy. Ill try it tomorrow. Tranquilzers can work both ways. Hopefully, this won't make things worse.

Thanks for all the suggestions.

Holly who is about ready to pull her hair out.


New member
Hi Holly, glad he is doing so well! Ozzy is 15 days post knee surgery and we have to keep him quiet and housebound for six more weeks. I feel your pain!! I have loads more grey hairs from this, so I am pulling my hair out too. I found some toys at Petco that are great, but in the hands or should I say Jaws of our Mr. Chewfest they didn't last long. But they are made by Petstages I think, and they have different toys for stages like soothing, chewing, activity etc. Some are puppy only, but I got the adult soothing and adult chewing toys and they really worked! I will definitely go back and get more, I figure the toys won't cost as much as another surgery if he re-injures his leg. I have also been massaging him alot, moving all his legs around and stretching them in conjuction with his physical therapy on the injurged leg. This seems to burn a little excess energy off too. I have also tied a hard bisquit inside a clean terry sock to give him a puzzle to work out. Oz has been off the deramaxx for five days now, and there was a slight dip in his activity in conjuction with a spill we took on the ice that almost gave me a heartattack, but he has bounced back and wants to be as active as ever.
One thought, it looks like Ozzy is a slow metabolizer and even though he has been on antibiotics for two weeks, he has developed a reaction to them with vomitting and a rash. Just something to watch out for, it definitely took me off guard.
I wish you both continued success with Isiah's recovery.
Good luck!!!!!!


Inactive Member
Bless you hanging in there for two weeks. What a wuss I am complining after 12 hours. <G>

Isiah doesn't want to play wit toys at this time. He wants to MOVE. I'm hoping he;ll settle in a couple days and be more open to alternative forms of entertainment. I'll go look up the toys.


New member
Holly I read all about Isaiah today, I am so glad he is doing well. Good luck, why don't you "share" his tranquilizers. One for him and one for you! Again I wish you luck. When we brought Tim home from being neutered it was awful and that is nothing compared to what Isaiah just went through. I was up with Tim all night. Where they had shaved him he had a big razor burn and it drove him nuts. I called the emergency vet to see if I could give him Benadryl. Which I was timid about because my youngest son crawls the walls with Benadryl. Sorry I didn't read this sooner.


New member
Holly, Baby is at the vet all week for this very reason. If she were here she would be bouncing off the walls. There is is actually mellow and calm and healing.
It is awful becuase I can not go and visit her because that is when she gets upset and cant calm down even after I leave.
We get her home on Friday and I can hardly wait. I may be asking for advise then on ways to keep her still.
I glad Isaiha is doing so well though. I just wish they understood when we tried to explain to them they need to rest.