Is anyone familiar with JPS ?


New member
It seem there is a new surgery out there for 'preventing' dysplasia...
'Juvenile Pubic Symphysiodesis'.... I googled it and read all I could...but it is not real clear. This has to be done before 20 weeks. I am just real leary of it in newfs since they don't have developed joints as that age. Anyone?

R Taft

Active member
I have not read anything about it as yet, but the term is confusing as my knowledge of anatomy, Radiology and bone development tells me that at a young age there is no bone structure in the Symphysis pubis (all cartilage) and with a young puppy/person very soft. So somehow they must hold/tie (iodesis)this together.
Will have to google and read/study more

Sun Valley

New member
I have heard of this being done in Europe...I think they also doing something similar with the elbows.?

The problem is, by doing this your never sure if the puppy was destined to have hip problems...your only masking it, or preventing it, so if that puppy is bred you would still have a high probability of that puppy producing it.

Lou Ann


New member
My understanding is that they graft bone to shape the socket....Is the socket even fully develped by then? It also said that it is so new, that they have no data as to how it effects older dogs. My guess is, that as with any new proceedure, this will be all over the place with many vets recommending it.
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New member
This procedure has been around for a few years now. It was discussed here on NewfNet in 2004 so I would think there has to be some studies with information on effects on older dogs.

I still believe this is excessive unless there is reason to believe without a doubt the dog has hip problems very early on. I can think of only ONE puppy that I know of personally that may have benefited from this given what we know now that he is an adult. The sad part is, trying to predict the future. If it fails or succeeds, was it because of the surgery or would the pup have been that way anyway.
I've heard of it in the past, but cant remember from who. The case I heard about was a puppy who was 3 months old and already displayed problems with the hip. A PennHip was done, and the pup came back as <10%, which is as low as a PennHip goes. The JPS procedure was done, but I dont know how it ever turned out. I believe the procedure is mainly meant to prevent hip dysplasia from progressing as the dog gets older, and that dog should never be used for breeding and should be spayed/neutered at the appropriate age. Its an interesting idea, but I dont know how I would feel about using it on a dog who wasnt symptomatic, and very few are at 16 weeks.
Here's a link to an article about it
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New member
I've only heard of 1 newf pup being done and I think it was on newf-l. Early x-rays were really loose. Don't think ever heard the outcome.

The procedure has been around for awhile.
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New member
Our Maggie was displaying the bunny-hopping,etc at 4 months, and probably could have benefitted from this. By 15 months, she already had bone remodeling, a flattened femoral head and some "arthritic changes" in both hips.


New member
Kimber too was lame at 6 months. I wonder if it really has to be done at 20 weeks to be effective in newfs. They grow a littler slower than some other breeds.