Infection between toes


I feel like a stupid mommy. My 9 3/4 old girl seemed to be slowing down. She had been diagnosed with severe osteoarthritis on her lower spine. I thought it was getting worse. A couple days ago, she really started smelling, like really gross. I thought it was an infected anal gland, or another infection around her vulva (she has inverted vulva). Took her to the vet, he quickly figured out she had infections between the toes of all 4 paws! I looked at her feet, but didn't spread the toes out enough. Duh. She was not licking her feet or anything. We do whatever to avoid antibiotics and we are cleaning it with chlorhexidine solution and then later with Malacetic wipes. She's being fed grain-free Precise Holistic Complete and had been doing very well with this. I feel like her immune system is going haywire. She also has discoid lupus, that is doing OK. She has had low thyroid for years and was just retested and that's good. Is there something I can give her to boost her immune system?

Bailey Boy

New member
Virgin coconut oil I am told works to help boost immune systems. Mine love it as an added treat in their food.


Active member
nettles and milk thistle plus b6 complex are good antioxidants as they give the last two to recovering alcoholics , they should help