Increased Appetite & Recently Neutered


New member
Has anyone experienced a substantial increase in their boy's appetite within a month after being neutered? By substantial, I mean like 25-35% guy seems ravenous all the time now!!!


New member
Yep, and then he got fat.....we are currently on a weight loss program trying to get it off. it seems like it happened over night, so just keep an eye on weight as the hormones change.

Jager's Mom

New member
I totally agree with new2newf. Be very careful of the weight gain. If the pup seems hungry, you may want to add green beans to his diet. That should help him feel "full".


New member
Thank you for the advice...I will add some green beans and to help make him feel full. It is quite pitiful seeing him trying to lick my other dog's bowl clean of any food residue left!

Another dog person had suggested to me that we should run a thyroid panel and do some bloodwork to make sure that the neutering isn't hiding an underlying problem and then the worry started to set in!


New member
well, there would be no harm in running a panel..if there is nothing wrong, it would give you a point in time to compare to if things DO go wrong. You've gotta remember, removing the testes/ovaries out of an animal is a HUGE hormone shift, and it takes a little while to work itself out think of a kid going through puberty, or a woman going through menopause, that sort of thing). That shift alone may have his thyroid a little whacked, but I wouldn't worry about it unless it is really severe or doesn't work itself out in a few more weeks. Run the panel if you wish, but stick with the beans for another month or so and see how that goes. :)


New member
I guess more to my point was, his thyroid may be legitimately whacked as a result of the hormone adjustment. The two are strongly connected. You may find his thyroid goes back to normal (as well as any appetite or mood changes you've seen lately) in a few more weeks once his body adjusts to the new him. If you decide to test him now and he's out of the normal range, test again in another 6-8 weeks and see where he is at.


New member
Yep our berner went from caring less about food to being obsessed about every speck of food on the ground. He gained weight and got up to 126 pounds as a result but is now back down to 110 after diet and exercise.

M & M's Mom Linda

New member
Marcus was nuertered in May at age 4. I have not cut down on his food but do take him to the vet's office every month. His "good" weight is between 174 & 178. Don't forget he is very tall and we can feel every rib and his backbone. He has always been a good eater so I control how much he gets.
Max is the fussy eater and his weight needs to be kept at 145...he loses at least 5 lbs in the Summer during water training.


New member
He is not drinking excessively and there has been no change except for the appetitie increase. I thought I would take him next week to do a weigh in. He does look a bit more filled out but his winter coat is coming in and he is pretty puffy! Pre-neuter weight was a fairly lean 130lb.