Ina & Phone Calls


New member
I gave myself a birthday present. I spoke to Ina, I spoke to Ina!!! lol
She kindly gave me her telephone number and we had a wee short chat, about her making black bun, (by the way, how did it turn out?) and celebrating ne'er day Scottish style.
It was only for a few mins but boy does she sound soooooooooo young on the phone.
Folks do yourself a good turn, choose someone from the board and phone them, it's great to hear a voice and it just leaves ya feeling great!
Thanks Ina it was great!!


New member
Hey there..back atcha! It was fun to chat..and hope the storms and wind gusts to 85..I think you said..have quieted down. Has your husband totted-up the long distance bill yet?
Thank the both of you..and yes indeed to calls around this earth of ours. We have soooo many days ahead of us..who could you all call? To Newfoundland, up to Alaska..across to Russia or Finland. Get those dialing fingers out thy neighbor.
..and hey..Happy Birthday Kathleen, hugs and thanks, ina n HB ps..the Black Bun..has been welcomed by all who followed the savory scents..up to the apt!


Active member
Ina IS young! Some people are 'old souls' - - but Ina is a 'forever young soul'! I can tell.