Ideas? Similar problem?


New member
Morris had surgery to remove a rock 2.5 weeks ago and had a gastropexy at the same time. A week or so before that he had giardia. (Yeah, its been an interesting month!!) He did great after surgery and things were back to normal. Now for the past 3 nights he has been waking up 2-3 times at night in an absolute panic to go outside and poop. The poop looks normal, maybe a bit mucousy. Then he does fine during the day while we're at work and in the evenings. I called the vet and the tech said not to worry but I think I want to make him an appt. I just don't know if it's something related to side effects from the surgery or something else. Any input would be helpful!


Active member
I don't have an input... but hope Morris is back to his healthy happy self soon.


New member
Are you making any changes in his diet? Is he on any medication? There might be several factors that can mess up his system and his schedule. Maybe he needs some longer walks before bedtime to make sure he has time to do his business? Hope things get back to normal soon.


New member
They could recheck for the giardia, too. When our cat had it, it took a couple of rounds of meds, to completely clear him up.

Hope that's not what it is, and that he's just "off" from something else.


New member
I almost hope it is a giardia relapse as opposed to something related to the surgery. Today he pooped in the house and that's totally abnormal so we are taking him in tomorrow.


New member
Sending lots of positive thoughts for Morris. I hope they can answer any of your questions.


New member
Happy you found out what's going on and that it can easily be addressed. Hugs to the big boy who has been through such an ordeal!

Ocean's Edge

New member
Good news! And good to you for listening to your gut (and his) ... always trust those instincts that say 'something's not quite right'


New member
Glad it sounds like an easy fix, did they say the surgery caused the inflammation?
No, they think its separate, but I feel like it's probably from all of the antibiotics or something....I work with people and they get colitis with antibiotics so why not dogs? Thanks for the good thoughts!